This is the best beer café in the world!


  • Beertemple:
  • In De Verzekering Tegen De Grote Dorst:
  • Arendsnest:
  • Beertemple:
  • In De Verzekering Tegen De Grote Dorst:
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

The Belgium café ‘In de Verzekering Tegen De Grote Dorst’ has been chosen as best beer café in the world. The list is compiled annually by RateBeer, one of the most important beer websites of the world. Remarkable detail: the café is only open on Sundays, from 10:00 till 13:30 o’clock. Considering the remarkable name of the café which means: ‘In the Insurance against Great Thirst’, I searched for more information about this Belgium café.

Café: ‘In de Verzekering Tegen de Grote Dorst’

The 854 residents of the Belgium village Eizeringen surely have visited it once: the best beer cafe in the world. The café is located in a lodge, which is one of the oldest buildings of the village and lies on the opposite of the the village church: the Saint-Ursula church. After the church service on Sunday the guests like to cross the road to drink a pint in the café.

The café, also known as ‘the café with the longest name and the shortest opening hours’, almost closed in 1999 leaving the inhabitants without café. That’s why the café is called (translated) ‘In the Insurance against Great Thirst’. The former 85 year old owner wanted to quit. Current owners Kurt and Yves Panneels avoided this and purchased the café.

Considering the cafes opening hours it’s more a hobby than work for the brothers. During the week they both have a job, on Sundays they love to go back to the café and pour beers.

Best beer café of the Netherlands

The best beer café of the Netherlands is ‘Proeflokaal Arendsnest’ in Amsterdam, which is ranked as number 39 on the list. ‘Beertemple’ (number 51), ‘Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman’ (number 65) and ‘Brouwcafé De Molen’ (number 97) all rank in the top 100. You can find the full list here.


The RateBeer Awards are presented since 2002. The winners are chosen by beer lovers word-wide, after they paid a visit to a beer cafes, they can rank the café on the website.

Website: In de Verzekering Tegen De Grote Dorst

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