The Spring Summer ’22 Collection by Frites Atelier | ‘Arabic Baba & Feta’ Fries


  • Sergio Herman bij Frites AtelierSergio Herman bij Frites Atelier
  • Fish Burger & Sea Nori Fries bij Frites AtelierFish Burger & Sea Nori Fries bij Frites Atelier
  • Frietje Arabic "Baba" & Feta en Frietje Parmesan & Basil bij Frites AtelierFrietje Arabic "Baba" & Feta en Frietje Parmesan & Basil bij Frites Atelier
  • Sergio Herman bij Frites AtelierSergio Herman bij Frites Atelier
  • Fish Burger & Sea Nori Fries bij Frites AtelierFish Burger & Sea Nori Fries bij Frites Atelier
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Inspired by spring and summer, co-founder and culinary creator of Frites Atelier Sergio Herman has created fresh, summery taste sensations. The flavors will give you the feeling of a summer in Italy or deep into the Arabian fairy tale of a thousand and one nights. The influences of the various cultures and cuisines come to the fore in the new specials. The specials ‘Arabic Baba & Feta’ as well as the return of our seasonal specials: ‘Sea Nori’, ‘Parmasan & Basil’ and a whole new tasty snack, the ‘Fish Burger’. Starting this week, Frites Atelier will serve the very latest Spring Summer Collection.

Fries are the main snacks in the Netherlands, we have ‘snackbars’ where you can order a simple portion of fries with or without mayonnaise, or other sauces and of course other snacks like our famous ‘kroketten’. Since a couple of years we have the culinary expert, chef Sergio Herman (has and had several Michelin star restaurants), who creates culinary specials, for the fancy snackbar/restaurant chain Frites Atelier. His Spring/Summer ’22 collection even has a  fries ‘Arabic Baba & Feta’! If you want to enjoy a culinary portion of fries, visit one of their locations in The Hague, Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Designer Outlet Roosendaal. Worth a detour!

reading time: 2 minutes

Sea Nori Fries with crispy nori chips and fresh tartar sauce and Furkake mix

In this Seasonal Special, Frites Atelier serves their Fries with crispy nori chips and fresh tartar sauce together with a Japanese Furkake mix consisting of dried fish, vegetables, seaweed, wasabi and sesame topped off with a spicy Andalouse Mayonnaise. Check out their Instagram account.

‘Arabic Baba & Feta’ Fries at Frites Atelier

Taste the Arabic flavors with the special ‘Arabic Baba & Feta’ fries. With the combination of a mild-spicy eggplant dip with feta, aioli mayonnaise, spicy harissa combined with chives and their crispy fries, you can imagine yourself in a fairy tale of a thousand and one nights, also thanks to the pistachio crunch on top!

Parmesan & Basil Fries

Patience will be rewarded because in the coming sunny seasons Friet Atelier will put the Mediterranean Parmesan & Basil season special on the menu again. Their golden yellow chips sprinkled with fine powder of fresh tomatoes, basil mayonnaise, grated Parmesan cheese and basil cress make this special a real classic! We tasted these ourselves, delicious!

New snack and iced teas at the menu of Frites Atelier | Fish Burger, Green Tea & Peach and the Passion & Ginger

Their newest snack on the menu is a crispy breaded, freshly caught, cod fillet with homemade tartar sauce, pickled vegetables, crunchy seaweed and a velvety milk bun. In addition to the new special Fries and the Fish burger, Sergio has also created two new iced teas. The Green Tea & Peach is a subtle and soft taste with references to typical Asian flavors such as lime and lemongrass. The iced tea is perfect in combination with spicy food. Their second homemade iced tea, Passion & Ginger, has a refreshing taste. The combination of passion fruit, ginger and various herbs make this flavor combination a perfect thirst quencher.

Website: Frites Atelier.

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