Sunscreen at Bagels & Beans | Getting vitamin D with Factor Creamcheese


  • Bagels & Beans free factor CreamcheeseBagels & Beans free factor Creamcheese
  • Bagels & Beans free factor CreamcheeseBagels & Beans free factor Creamcheese
  • Bagels & Beans free factor CreamcheeseBagels & Beans free factor Creamcheese
  • Bagels & Beans free factor CreamcheeseBagels & Beans free factor Creamcheese
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At the Dutch chain of Bagels & Beans, they grease their bagels well and now guests can do the same on their terraces for free! Enjoying a staycation or grabbing a sunny terrace is now even more appealing. Sunscreen is on hand at every location. Getting vitamin D with Factor Creamcheese. Enjoy the summer more responsibly!

2 minutes read

Sunscreen available follows after always being able to use the loo, pets are welcome, shelter from the rain and so on

Great small gestures of hospitality! Since 1996, you can just go to the toilet at Bagels & Beans, even if you don’t order anything. Pets are just as welcome as their owners and always get something to drink. Taking shelter from the rain or borrowing an umbrella is never a problem either. And just as you sometimes forget your umbrella, it can happen that you leave home without sunscreen, sunglasses or headgear. That’s why Bagels & Beans has several patio accessories and sunscreen ready for all guests. We grease our bagels well, they thought, so why not our guests too?

Getting vitamin D with Factor Creamcheese

Bagels & Beans’ dishes and drinks are chock-full of vitamins and other good ingredients. Including vitamin D. But did you know that we mainly produce this important vitamin ourselves when we come into contact with the sun? We taste the sun with our skin, so to speak! And because you don’t want to get sunburnt, it’s important to regularly apply sunscreen. Do this with Factor Creamcheese, because you can apply it as thickly as on the bagels.

Looking at coffee grounds has never been sunnier

Besides being able to get free sunscreen, Bagels & Beans terrace visitors can also borrow sunglasses or a cheerful summer hat. Enjoy the sun safely on their terrace. Bagels & Beans’ sunglasses to borrow are extra special; they are made of coffee grounds. This gives predicting the future a sunny edge. According to the brand, it’s good to let things run their course once in a while anyway. If we look too much into the future, we sometimes forget what is right in front of us. Bagels & Beans aims to let guests enjoy themselves in the present on a ‘pleasant mode’. Protected in the sun, sheltered, at home or on the go. Let that future come when the time is right.

Spread the love

Bagels & Beans wants to make the world a little nicer every day. With cheerful campaigns, but also with the smallest gestures. And it is precisely those small gestures that often feel the grandest. Bagels & Beans is in love with everyone and hopes to spread a thick layer of love across the terraces. So that as many people as possible can enjoy the sun carefree and responsibly. Whether that’s on a Bagels & Beans terrace or not.

There are many more places where people can apply sunscreen for free in the Netherlands, also at other hospitality venues with large terraces!

Website: Bagels & Beans

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