High tech toilet


This is a fully automated toilet. When you enter the bathroom the lid rises and with a flick of your foot you determine whether the seat has to rise or not. Before you sit down, the seat and feet warmers have already done their work. For that little bit of entertainement, a mp3/radio is integrated into the toilet. It plays a preset playlist or a radio channel. When you are finished, the sprinkler and dryer take care of the rest.

Natural energy drink in stylish can


 Nowadays there are a lot of energydrinks. Energydrink 28Black has as one of the few a natural ‘background’. The drink is made from the Acai berry and comes in a mat black can that gives a stylish touch. The name represents the mindset of the creators; a day can have 28 hours.

Test note:

Our test panel was enthusiastic about 28Black during one of our trend presentations. The energy drink tastes refreshing, got a hint of cassis and is less sweet than expected. The mat black can will easily integrate at a trendy club.

Book for a do-it-yourself beer brewery


Beer Craft is a simple and illustrated book about making your own beer. The authors, William Bostwick and Jessi Rymill explain every single step from mash to bottling the beer. Besides that, the book also gives information about branding, naming, labeling and how to customize the flavour.

Neighbourhood restaurant United Tastes of 1097 in Amsterdam


United tastes of 1097 is a restaurant concept located at zipcode 1097 in Amsterdam. The formule of the restaurant is based on trading goods. Thus people from the neighbourhood can trade furniture for a meal or add home recipes to the menu. In this way, the neighbourhood can determine the look and taste of the restaurant. It integrates into the neighbourhood and gives a building that will be demolished in a year a temporary purpose.

Choccywoccy Boudoir


Choccywoccydoodah in Brighton is thé store for chocoholics. They sell all sorts of varieties of chocolate, cakes, tarts, shakes, truffs and so much more. Besides that, they have a chocolate boudoir. For 2 hours its yours, and you can indulge yourself with all the nice chocolates they serve.

Oscar Stock Market System


Ordering a drink in a bar will never be the same with the Oscar Stock Market system of the Belgium companies Torex and Drugstore. This POS won in 2010 the ‘Innovation Award’ of the Horeca Expo, for new concepts. A dynamic screen in the bar shows the current prices of the drinks, based on the fluctuating stock prices. Even a stock crash can be simulated. A nice way of increasing the experience around ordering drinks and herewith stimulate the sales. 


Creative by using social media


TNO did research on the use of social media at work. It seems that the use of the social media increases the creativity of the employees and creates an active workflow. Companies with an innovative approach to social media can benefit from permitting the use of Facebook and Twitter.

Rich Tasting


Inbev UK decided that they needed someone to taste the beer. Not for the brewery, but on festivals. On the job, the temperature, the way of serving the beer and the quality need to be checked before the beer can be served to the artists backstage. Nice job! Even more, because the wage is 10.000 pounds, for only six days. Nice example of promotion!


Slide control by Arcoroc


This concept is based on the existence of an invisible silicone seal on the base of the item. Thanks to this seal, the item will remain stable on the chosen surface. 7 different types of glasses and apetizer dishes.


Chocolate bar with calorie count


This chocolate bar is decorated with the calories it contains. The bar is devided into pieces of different sizes and different calorie counts.


Starbucks & Lady Gaga Quest


Starbucks and Lady Gaga introduced an online Scavenger Hunt, a search game. Every week contesters have to find a clue. Last weeks assignment: to be found with QR codes on posters inside the Starbucks shops. This weeks challenge has to do with the new Lady Gaga album. The purpose of the game is to let people use the social media and collaborate in finding the solutions. The winner gets Lady Gaga related presents.


Fair Trade Route Arnhem


The Fair Trade Foundation of the Dutch city Arnhem made two routes through the city. The routes do lead you to all the shops and restaurants who sell Fair Trade products.

Champagne on the rocks


Moët & Chandon introduced this week the Moët Ice Impérial, the first Champagne on the rocks. Because of the rich structure, hints of sweetness and red fruits, the taste is preserved even drinking it with ice. The Moët Ice Impérial is the perfect addition to a well established party.

Martell Trunk


Pinel & Pinel, (renowned malletier, luggage makers) and Martell, designed a cognac Trunk. Inside you will find the finest and most exclusive cognacs. Several trays contain silver cognac tools, crystal glassware and a humidor with sigars. For more information, take a look on the website of Martell. Tip; use code 1715 to discover all the secrets.


Heineken Invite


The Heineken Invite is a clever bottle opener. Everytime you open a beer, the opener posts via bluetooth or internet a message on your Facebook wall to let people know you are having a party, and you are inviting your friends.


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