Sample Central, tryvertising at its best


The first European Sample Central store is set to open in Budapest, Hungary. Operating in a similar way to Sample Lab (Japan), the new store allows its members to try out a range of products and services for free. The products can be taken home or at the store. The only “payment” that’s required is to complete online surveys regarding the tried products, providing valuable feedback to manufacturers.

Hotel Finder by Google


Google has launched Hotel Finder, an experimental search tool that enables users to define key lodging preferences to find the perfect hotel for their travel needs. Users fill in their preferred location, dates, price and rating details, and Hotel Finder delivers its top recommendations in a list or on a Google Map. For the moment, it’s only available in the U.S.A. As far as we could see there are some new trics that make the search easier but it shows a lot of comparison to the search tools from for example Expedia and Bookings.

Coca-Cola is taking it light this summer


Just look at the youtube movie, and smile. At the mall, Les 4 Temps à la Défense, Paris,  Coca-Cola light started its campagne Love it Light. As people passed the billboard, text emerged, asking questions or giving comments. Entertainment during the salesperiod.


Healthy breakfast at McDonald’s


Fruit & Maple Oatmeal; McDonald’s combines warm and delicious 100% natural whole-grain oats with brown sugar and a touch of cream and put in diced fresh apples, dried cranberries and two kinds of raisins.

DailyBurns Meal Snap App


Meal Snap lets you take pictures of the meals you eat and then magically tells you what food was in your meal. How Meal Snap Works: Snap a photo of your meal, add a descriptive caption and let the system auto-magically detect the nutritional breakdown, keep track of your meals & progress over time. Blogger Denise Amrich did test the app.


The Foodloop


The heat resistant silicone food trussing tool designed to replace kitchen string and toothpicks in the prep and cooking process. Use thefoodloop® to hold small stuffed, rolled, bunched and wrapped meats, fish and veggies. Heat-resistant to 675ºF / 357ºC, reusable.

Picnicking without the mess


Very clever picnic blanket and garbage bag in-one. The CleanPicnic blanket, made of recycled plastic, is a blanket of 1 by 1 meter. After a picnic, the blanket can easily be transformed to a garbage bag, by putting the 3 ends through a opening in the fourth end. You throw the garbage bag away and thereby as well all the mess.  You can also place an add at the blanket/garbage bag.

Share your holiday on Facebook


 The Great Wolf Lodge chain in the United States provides RFID wristbands to their guests. These were used as room keys and in-house charge accounts before. But nowadays, these wristbands can be used to transmit photos, taken at the so-called Paw Posts in the park, to a Facebook wall. Share your offline experiences online.  

spoontrip for gastronomy and wine


Spoontrip is an international platform for a variety of activities around gastronomy and wine. The webiste is based on a crowdsourced concept and offers everything from workshops to meet-and-greets to gastronomy-themed holidays.


A private retreat for public spaces


The Hush Pod, designed by Freyja Sewell of the University of Brighton, is the perfect way to hide and escape in public spaces.

Hotel for your plants


Before going on a holidaytrip, the question rises ‘what to do with the plants’? The Isla Azul shopping mall in Madrid understood that “serving is the new selling”, and offers visitors a hotel-service, Hotel Para Plantas, for your plants. During your holiday you can leave your plants at the hotel, and the they will take care of your plants.

Inspiration from New York City


Coffee biscuits inspired by the logo’s of a city or tourist spots, designed by Eleni Gianopulos.


Inspiration from 2010: Holiday department store by ANWB


After having checked all your lists, still forgot something to bring with you on vacation? No worries, the holiday department store is there for you in times of emergency. The store can be found found at various campingsites in France this year.


Mini topless on the beach


An amusing marketing campaign developed by ‘Access Agency’ with lifesize inflatable Mini’s at the beach. They are introduced with the clever slogan ‘ Going topless this summer’. Click here for more photos.

Looking for a taxi?


Looking for a taxi is becoming a lot easier. Through this Get Taxi-app you can order a taxi, see what the estimate time of arrival is and leave reviews behind. The app will be available in the UK, Israel, Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Check the video.

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