Barco Escape: experience a movie with a panorama view


Another reason to go see a movie in the cinema! Lot of chances in the last couple of years in the movie and cinema world. The public started to enjoy watching movies at home but with these developments they successfully lure the public back in the cinema! With the IMAX screens, 3D movies, virtual reality and now Barco Escape movies, the cinema offers a whole new movie experience. No ‘normal’ cinema from a single screen, with Barco Escape you will be drawn in the story. This due to two additional screens that are attached at the main screen in an angle of circa 140 degrees, a panoramic view.

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Bed time stories


  • Worry Dolls by the Omni hotel La Mansion del Rio
  • Fa-Raon (Bristol Hotel Paris)
  • Poem Palace Hotel Dubai
  • Fa-Raon (Bristol Hotel Paris)

The ultimate bed time stories to read in hotels are stories which takes place in the hotel….. Don’t you agree? We once philosophized about starting our own hotel and one of the ideas that came up was writing a story which took place in the vicinity of the hotel. And sending this story to every guest two weeks prior to their arrival, to enhance the anticipation. Imagine the kind of stories that could be written about your hotel or the hotel you love to visit as a loyal guest. We haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying such an idea as guest yet but it’s quite interesting to see what is done with storytelling in the hospitality industry.

We made a small list with successful storytelling examples! read more

Too Good To Go…


The Too Good To Go app lets you eat food which restaurants normally throw in the bin at the end of the service. Take away from your favourite restaurants for next to nothing: that’s the idea behind this new app and meanwhile preventing food waste! read more

Playground WIP/WAP beer – create your own unique beer


One box, two beers and a unique flavour. That, in a nutshell is the WIP/WAP beer from the VandeStreek brewers in Utrecht (the Netherlands).

WIP/WAP beer is created to mix, that’s why they are sold in one box. WIP, the White IPA has the fruity and fresh aroma of American hops, is full of flavour through the wheat and thirst-quenching as a white beer. WAP, the oaked Barley Wine is high in alcohol and has a full, round flavour. Create your own beer by mixing both beers and be surprised by the balance. read more

Great examples of how to use the Olympic Games in your benefit


  • Facebook @CabanaBrasil


We have seen quite a few examples of restaurants, hotels and leisure centres using the Olympics in their benefit. The Olympic Experience on the beach of Scheveningen is a great example. As well as storytelling in advertisings! One of the best is probably the Olympic anthem of Samsung.

We checked the web to see what has been organized in the hospitality and leisure world with the Olympics in mind.

Did you spot other great examples or did you organise an inspiring Olympic event? Let us know, we like to complete our list! read more

Trends we spotted this week – week 32


  • Trends in het kort

At Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week among others about a rooftop bar in London you will be able to sip a cocktail in the nude and Yannick Alléno about fermentation to enrich his sauces.

If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! read more

Citrus caviar from Finger Limes


In 2010 we spotted Finger Limes for the first time and wrote about it. But we never saw an opportunity to taste the Finger Lime, which originates in Australia. Although we came up with great ideas to combine these citrus caviar with for example a Gin & Tonic, oysters, in fruity desserts, as garnish at hors d’oeuvres or in salad dressing. But still we hardly spot them in Europe! Well at least we know this is going to change because they are now cultivated outside Australia as well. We spotted them in the USA and in Italy.

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Poptail = popsicle + cocktail


March last year we wrote about a new twist to the cocktail at the Sky Bar, Bangkok’s highest rooftop bar at the Lebua State Tower hotel. Poptails are premium classic cocktails paired with brain-freezing popsicles. It’s kind of maths: Poptail = popsicle + cocktail. This was the first time we spotted the poptail. Tasting Table now published a recipe for Strawberry Sangria Ice Pop Cocktails…. Created by People’s Pops. read more

Zwolle has a temporary city beach: Stränd!


  • Credit: Stränd en SträndFränds
  • Credit: Stränd en SträndFränds
  • Stränd en SträndFränds
  • Credit: Stränd en SträndFränds

Zwolle (a city in the East of the Netherlands) has gained a temporary city beach: Stränd! Late July the proverbial doors of the beach opened, located near the canal in Zwolle. For five long weekends you can ‘relax, drink, socialize, eat and above all … enjoying the summer in a Zwolsch manner’ as indicated by the initiators on the website. read more

New location of restaurant FG ready for the absolute best


  • De Modbar

From today on FG restaurant (Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2 Michelin Stars) will be situated at a new location. François Geurds will serve the best dishes in the restaurant, which is located next to FG Food Labs. We were invited to check this new place out and can only indicate that their future guests will be in for an even greater culinary surprise than at the last location! We wish François and his team the best of luck and a lot of fun at the new location and with their path to the top of gastronomy, the third Michelin Star. read more

Beer Pong Knock Out; Get your balls wet!


Once the red cups were only destined for drunken partiers, but the game leaves the student dormitories and house parties with official tournaments between beer pong enthusiasts and experts. Strandzuid brings the Beer Pong Knock Out to Amsterdam on Saturday, August 13. read more

Trends we spotted this week – week 31


  • Trends in het kort

At Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week among others a Floating beer garden in London and a Peruvian model opens a restaurant in New York City. Besides that would you try cockroach milk? Researchers claim it might be the next superfood!

If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! read more

Gastronaut Ice Cream – world’s first artisanal freeze-dried ice cream


Gastronaut Ice Cream, the first organic and unmeltable ice cream. Freeze-dried so you can enjoy this premium ice cream anywhere. read more

Luggage assistant Gustave at your service in Paris


Would you use a luggage assistant? We know the drill: your plane or train leaves late in the afternoon, so you want to spend the day in the city. Or you arrive very early and don’t want to waste time bringing your suitcase to the hotel. Most probably you do what we always do: pack your bags and leave them with the doorman or reception. That will cost you time in the afternoon: having to return to the hotel to pick up the luggage. Well in Paris, you can ask Gustave to be your luggage assistant! He will pick up your luggage at the hotel, seal it, insure it and secure it in a safe place till he drops it off at the requested rendez-vous point. Ensuring you and your family of more time in the city and no return way to the hotel! Bag-free traveling. The motto of Gustave in Paris: Keep calm and enjoy your day! read more

Snapchat as marketing tool to reach out to young people


  • Snapchat Logo

More than one million Dutch people use Snapchat currently. 56% of the users are between the age of 15 and 19 and 11% are between the age of 20 and 39. Only 2% of the people that are 40+ downloaded Snapchat. This is shown in the ‘Nationale Social Media Onderzoek 2016’, a Dutch research about Social Media. Would you like to attract a younger public for your business like a club, disco or leisure centrum? You should try-out Snapchat! read more

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