Cotton candy baked Alaska | Served at Chinese restaurant Philippe Chow


Upscale Chinese restaurant, Philippe Chow, in New York City serves a spectacular dessert: a cotton candy baked Alaska. Baked Alaska, also known as ‘omelette Sibérienne’ or ‘omelette Norvégienne’, is a classic dessert made of cake, ice cream and beaten egg white. read more

Trends we spotted | Week 23


  • Trends in het kort

At Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week amongst others the latest foodtrend on Instagram, coffee caviar. And the designer fruit: white strawberries.

If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! read more

Bammetjes Bier | The sister beer of Pieper beer


Bammetjes Bier, the new beer of restaurant chain Instock, not made of potatoes like their last years creation Pieper Beer, but out of bread leftovers. read more

McDonald’s Brazil | Drive-thru truck


McDonald’s Brazil made the drive-thru way more convenient. They brought their food to their customers with the use of a  drive-thru truck. Their customers didn’t even had to drive to a restaurant, showing that convenience is their main selling point! read more

Glonut | Glow in the dark doughnut


To celebrate Sidney’s annual Vivid Festival, Australian boutique patisserie Black Star Pastry created a glow in the dark doughnut, or as they like to call them Glonuts. If you are in Sidney you can get them at Martin Place, a pedestrian mall in the central business district of Sydney. They look amazing right? read more

Zip line off the Eiffel tower


Only for all daredevils amongst us: zip lining of the Eiffel tower whilst reaching a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. The 800 metres long zip line trip takes less than a minute, you’re done before you know. The idea of this pop-up zip line comes from Perrier that sponsors Roland Garros, one of the four Grand Slams in tennis. read more

Halal Fried Chicken | Advertising during the Ramadan


A special action by Halal Fried Chicken, the company advertises with special posters during the Ramadan. The posters are part of their advertisement campaign and can be found in various bus shelters in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The fun thing about the posters is that only the logo and name of the company are shown during the day. The rest of the advertisement is only visible as the sun sets. A great example of effective advertising during the Ramadan. read more

Poop Café | Toronto’s first toilet themed dessert bar


In 2016 the Poop Café, Toronto’s first toilet themed dessert bar, opened in Korea Town Toronto at Bloor Street West. The potty-themed café, like its counterparts in Asia (for example you will find poop café’s also in Seoul), will server desserts themed around the dirty deed. read more

Clean the World | Recycled bathroom amenities


What happens in your hotel with the bathroom amenities? The best thing that could happen, is that your guest will take them home and when in their bathroom they get regularly reminded of their stay at your hotel. In most hotels, the soaps, shampoo, conditioner are replaced every day. But what do you do with the leftovers? Throwing them away isn’t sustainable at all. read more

Blogger Summer Vega Challenge | Café Ter Marsch


Café Ter Marsch in Rotterdam is searching for inspiration for a vegetarian dish on its new menu and seeks the help from food-loving bloggers. During the Blogger Summer Vega Challenge, bloggers can provide a recipe for a summer vegetarian main course. In June, participants can present their dish, featuring a clear recipe and a tasty image on Ter Marsch’s social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram). Café Ter Marsch needs to be tagged in the post of course. read more

The Cone Masters | Coffee in a cone now available in Amsterdam


  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman
  • Photo credit - Wytze Huurman

Last year September we wrote about the Instagram hashtag #coffeeinacone. The idea to serve coffee in a cone comes from South Africa. In January 2016 Dayne Levinrad uploaded his first photo with this hashtag. It is now possible to drink a coffee in a cone at pop-up store The Cone Masters located at Vijzelgracht 41 in Amsterdam. Until the 18th of June you can enjoy this coffee in a cone with chocolate. read more

Trends we spotted | Week 22


At Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week amongst others the iPizza box by Apple and Grant Achatz created a ‘Hollywood’ menu for his restaurant Next. You must take a look at the latest picture of this menu!

If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! read more

#foodiespinner | Cooking dinner with a fidget spinner


A funny article at Eater about the use of fidget spinners in the kitchen. Apparently it all started with chef Eric Ripert from restaurant Le Bernardin in New York who posted a tweet with a picture of a fidget spinner with the words ‘Confiscated’. Like at many schools it seems like the chefs at his kitchen aren’t allowed to ‘spin’ during work hours. But someone took up the challenge to proof him wrong! Instagram account ‘sleeping_with_the_chef’ placed the video above with the text: ‘Don’t confiscate elevate!’ read more

HanTing Cuisine The Hague| A menu based on the ‘five seasons’


This month, Michelin restaurant HanTing Cuisine in The Hague launches a new menu that’s all about color: the menu of the five seasons. The five-course menu is a culinary tour through the five seasons. Just as Han Ji’s three previous menus, this menu is also derived from the Chinese Nutritional sciences, Han Ji’s most important information source. You can find this new menu on the restaurant’s menu list from the beginning of June onwards. read more

Bijvangst Amsterdam | Get to know new fishes


Unfortunately, not all fish caught in the North Sea end up on our plates. Therefore, three entrepreneurs came up with the idea of opening a new fish restaurant in Amsterdam called ‘Bijvangst’ (Bycatch) Amsterdam. A restaurant where you’ll be surprised by fishes that you might have never heard of, alongside the more famous fish species. You can now invest in the concept at the website CrowdAboutNow. read more

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