Smeele Hospitality Inspiration Sessions | The story behind the interior


  • De private dining ruimte bij restaurant Parkheuvel RotterdamDe private dining ruimte bij restaurant Parkheuvel Rotterdam
  • Interieur restaurant Amarone RotterdamInterieur restaurant Amarone Rotterdam
  • Jeroen Smeele en Gert Blom in AmaroneJeroen Smeele en Gert Blom in Amarone
  • Jeroen Smeele uitleg tot in detailJeroen Smeele uitleg tot in detail
  • Interieur In den Rustwat (IDWR)Interieur In den Rustwat (IDWR), Rotterdam
  • Jeroen Smeele en Marcel van Zomeren in IDRWJeroen Smeele en Marcel van Zomeren in IDRW
  • Inkijk in de private dining ruimte van restaurant ParkheuvelInkijk in de private dining ruimte van restaurant Parkheuvel
  • De private dining ruimte bij restaurant Parkheuvel RotterdamDe private dining ruimte bij restaurant Parkheuvel Rotterdam
  • Interieur restaurant Amarone RotterdamInterieur restaurant Amarone Rotterdam
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A couple of top restaurants in Rotterdam, In den Rustwat (IDRW), Parkheuvel and Amarone hosted the first edition of the Smeele Hospitality Inspiration Sessions. During this unique inspiration tour  hospitality entrepreneurs and chefs enjoyed watching and talking about the interiors of these three restaurants and got some great bites from the chefs they visited. The patrons told colleagues how they have addressed their interior modifications and which choices they had to confront. A great way to get inspired if you’re thinking about remodelling your interior.

Smeele Hospitality Inspiration Sessions | Interior inspiration

Owner Jeroen Smeele of Smeele | ruimte voor ontwerp (space for design): “For this inspiration tour we invited 15 entrepreneurs and chefs. The aim of the tour is to provide inspiration, a gourmet experience and establish contacts with colleagues. Other interior projects of my hand are restaurants De Nederlanden (* Michelin) in Vreeland, Vista in Willemstad and Pollevie in Den Bosch which are too far apart, which is why we chose three restaurants in Rotterdam. In every restaurant the patron and I gave a quick word on the interior changes, challenges and solutions. The three restaurants differ in construction and are built in different eras, so I was able to show all the technical challenges you will face with a rebuilding, interior modification or restyling. Based on the positive reactions I have concluded that the first tour was very successful.”

Note from our editor Marjolein van Spronsen who attended the tour: “What I really enjoyed was the fact that Jeroen Smeele showed three totally different restaurants with no personal style printed all over the interior design. If a style trend is visible, it’s that he is searching for optimal implementation within the wishes of the client, the constructional possibilities and time available. Which was also confirmed by Gert Blom of restaurant Amarone and Marcel van Zomeren of restaurant IDRW. A few striking elements; at Amarone Restaurant (*) the emphasis is placed on the length of the restaurant by constructing a wine cabinet with light elements at the back of the restaurant. If you look into the restaurant from the outside you’ll notice the depth. The solution for the private dining room at Restaurant Parkheuvel (**) is great as well. This space is transformed into a luxurious and tranquil living room with kitchen elements where chefs complete their dishes in the view of the guests. If I could name a little common denominator it would be that all three restaurants have special lighting, but these ar’not alike at all. The inspiration session is a great way to get acquainted with the work of Smeele | ruimte voor ontwerp.”

Beyond just the interior

Chef-owner Gert Blom from restaurant Amarone had pleasure in showing his restaurant to colleagues. “It was special to show this group of interested colleagues my interior, to tell about it and to be able to serve them my special dish. Most of the questions I received were about the lighting and the fireplace.” Gert celebrated the tenth anniversary of his restaurant last year.

Participant Elvira Kemman, owner-sommelier at ElVi restaurant in Utrecht: “It was inspiring to see the diversity of the interiors and to hear the stories. I noticed that Jeroen Smeele also thinks about things like acoustics and that his service goes beyond the interior. For example, the design and appearance of the menu is also working conceptually and may be involved in the project.”

A second tour is in preparation, interested entrepreneurs with interior plans sooner or later can already sign up.

Website: Smeele

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