Rooster & Wolf, trendy Dutch brandy


  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen
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Actually it’s age-old: brandy, or as we Dutch call it: brandewijn. The brand Rooster & Wolf comes with a special recipe from France and a beautifully shaped bottle. Rooster & Wolf, trendy brandy to drink pure or mixed in a cocktail!

Trendy brandy

Last week we wrote about ‘Kever Genever’, from which the founders expect that 2017 will be the year of the genever (kind of Dutch gin), as a logical consequence of the gin-hype. Probably the brandy brand Rooster & Wolf can share in this hype. The label wants to give brandy a trendy touch because of its tough and fine character.

Creating the perfect brandy

The history of brandy goes back centuries. To the time when Dutch sailors braved the seas. Wine was quickly perishable. Therefore, they decided to distill the liquor, making brandy this way. As a true lover of brandy, Rick van der Wolf, started looking for the best brandy a few years ago. After a search on different continents, he ended up with the fourth generation master distiller in the French region of Cognac. Their spirit is still original prepared in copper potstills and oak barrels. With them, Rick started the search for the perfect brandy. The result: a powerful but gentle brandy, fruity, floral and smooth to drink, with the perception of an ‘eau de vie’.

Serve it pure or in a mix

The idea for the bringing the Dutch brandewijn on the market has always been in Rick’s mind. Brandewijn was indeed hardly available in bars and restaurants, and if so mostly of very low quality. It took two years of preparation, involving not only the formula but for example also the whole development of the bottle. Rick did everything himself, with the Rooster & Wolf team. Spring 2015 his wish came true. Enthusiastically, he started selling his brand with which he started in his hometown Rotterdam. According to the experts, you can best drink the brandy pure. But Rooster & Wolf was enthusiastically welcomed by the best cocktail bars in Rotterdam, from which the name and reputation has spread like wildfire.

Tribute to the names of his granddad and father

The rooster and the wolf decorate the label. It is a subtle tribute to two important men in Rick’s live; grandfather Bram den Haan (translated as Rooster) and father Jacques van der Wolf. They were also true of brandy lovers. Their signatures parade alongside the animals on the bottle.

Website: Rooster & Wolf

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