Restaurant Syr | Food that tastes good and does good


  • Syr gerechten
  • Personeel Syr
  • TafelsettingSYR
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  • Syr gerechten
  • Personeel Syr
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Restaurant Syr in Utrecht (The Netherlands) is a restaurants where refugees with a residents permit work. The aim of the restaurant is to train the employees and prepare them for a place In the Dutch labour market. At the restaurant they serve Syrian dishes with an European twist such as: tabbouleh, sambusek and green pea falafel.

Restaurant Syr

As in most countries in Europe, we experienced a lot of immigrants moving to the Netherlands over the last few years, including people from Syria. Gaining work experience at restaurant Syr will help the refugees to feel at home and adapt themselves to the Dutch society. At the restaurant, refugees or people with a refugee background with restaurant affinity work together with Dutch colleagues. This way their cultures will collide.

Next to the food that’s being served, the restaurant is also used as a place to socialize and to meet each other. There is an exposition hall and a cultural program with for instance presentations, workshops and debates. The profit of the restaurant goes to UAF; a foundation that helps people with a refugee background.

Other initiatives

These kind of hospitality initiatives can be found outside of Utrecht as well. This month ‘Eethuis Shaami’ opened in Rotterdam. Firas, the owner came to the Netherlands 2,5 years ago and is going to operate this restaurant with his Syrian nephew. In Delft, between the 25th of February and 25th of March, a pop-up restaurant ‘de Hartige Samaritaan’ will be operated by refugees, citizens and students.

Website: SYR

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