Restaurant LEUK in Amsterdam | Family friendly restaurant


  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
  • Familievriendelijk restaurant LEUKFamilievriendelijk restaurant LEUK
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The recently opened restaurant LEUK (FUN in English) is located in the area around the Houthavens on the Danzigerkade nr. 8 in Amsterdam. A restaurant that is LEUK (FUN) for both parents and children. Good food from an international menu and a special menu for children. Restaurant LEUK already has a location in Bussum for more than seven years. At their new location in Amsterdam they have a children’s playground of in total 150 m2 including a babysitter!

Children are more than welcome at restaurant LEUK

Restaurant LEUK must become a magnet for parents with young children. Dine in a somewhat industrial atmosphere and with a menu for children with a number of ‘always good’ options, such as a children’s skewer with a chicken nugget, a frikandel and a bitterbal (both Dutch delicacies) with fries. But there are also healthier options such as a fruit skewer, cucumber and carrot fries and home-made fish sticks (in Dutch Kibbeling). Just like at restaurant LEUK in Bussum, the idea is that the groups or parents eat their appetizer at the same time with the main course of the children. When they have finished their meal it’s playtime for the children! The children’s playground of ​​a total of 150 square meters with a babysitter ensures that the parents can enjoy the rest of the meal in peace. At the playground children can play with three Playstations, a large Airhockey table, a football table, a Duplo play table with enough duplo for all the little ones, a small kitchen and a small shop to play with, chalk walls and a big table to tinker or to make a drawing for your parents or grandparents. In addition, they can also buy an ice cream at the playground with a special ice coin!

Children’s parties

At restaurant LEUK it’s easy to park your car in the neighborhood, handy in Amsterdam! They also provide all kinds of children’s parties. We think they might have a difficult time to choose from the offer: creating candy sushi or candy cakes, make your own pizza and decorate a chef’s hat with the chefs Luke or Ria, magic workshops or make your own stuffed animal and a few more options.

Website: Restaurant LEUK

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