Pop-up IGLOOS | On which rooftop terrace in the Netherlands next winter?


  • Pop-up IGLOOSPop-up IGLOOS
  • Pop-up IGLOOSPop-up IGLOOS
  • Pop-up IGLOOSPop-up IGLOOS
  • Pop-up IGLOOSPop-up IGLOOS
  • Pop-up IGLOOSPop-up IGLOOS
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In London it’s possible to diner in pop-up igloo’s until the end of the winter at the Coppa Club. The pop-up structures host smaller groups (up to 8 people at a time) and are fully-heated. To make it even more comfortable for the guests, there are  sheepskin blankets and speakers in the IGLOOS. Which rooftop terrace in the Netherlands will install these kind of igloo’s next winter?

Pop-up IGLOOS at Coppa Club in London

A total of eight giant IGLOOS are installed on the terrace of the Coppa Club in London where guests have a great view of the Thames and the Tower Bridge.  Three of the igloos have large circular tables which can seat groups up to eight persons. The other igloos are cosy riverside lounges to drink cocktails while the speakers pump out funky jazz and soul music.

New York

Earlier you could have spotted the igloo in New York, in 2014 they first premiered on the rooftop of 230 Fifth. This year, the IGLOOS are installed on their rooftop terrace as well. Visitors to 230 Fifth enjoy  the 360° views of New York City’s skyline from the comfort of their very own igloo. Guests will have all the necessary equipment to make a great night, there are sofas, lamps, rugs and even televisions inside these igloos. It’s not possible to make a reservation.

The Netherlands

The igloo’s are made from PVC and are originally designed for campers to get closer to nature. The material has been designed to keep out wind, rain and snow meanwhile keeping the inside warm. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen the so-called IGLOOS in the Netherlands yet, maybe one of the hotels with a rooftop terrace should introduce them next winter!

Website: Coppa Club

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