Eco-friendly fruit juice


Found makes organic juices. By the eco-efficient way of working, Found is the first climate neutral company in the world according to the Carbon Reduction Insitute (CRI).

Birth tourism in the USA


According to the constitution, whoever is born on U.S. soil automatically is an American citizen. This causes increasing “birth tourism”.  Hotel Marmara is responding to this by offering facilities before and after childbirth. Rooms are rented by the month, including cradles, airport transfers and a gift for the mother.

Free online music with Pepsi


Order a Pepsi with your iPhone in restaurants. You’ll save points on your Loot (iPhone App). When collected three points, you can download a song from a database of 250,000 songs. According to Pepsi, this is the first iPhone app that acts as a loyalty program.

Meat from a vending machine


Izarzugaza is a highly respected butcher in northern Spain. While the meat is prepared traditionally, the marketing techniques are state-of-the-art. Last year he started selling online and ordering via touch screen, this year they installed a 24-hour vending machine, filled with the best meats, according to the season.

Folding kitchen


 The Russian designer Olga Kalugina designed a folding kitchen inspired by the accordion. Completely collapsed it is a simple kitchentable, but when expanded it is a convenient  kitchen worktop.  

365 bars in 365 days


After Vincent van Dijk, who sleeps in a different hotel every night for one year, now there is a guy in New York who will visit 365 bars in 365 days. Marty Wombacher has a preference for ‘brown bars’ because according to him you will encounter the most interesting people in those bars.


Twitter can be profitable


With Twitter you can earn money. Those who do well, often earn much money. With that message and a new book (Twitter with result) Dick Raman tours through USA and The Netherlands. “Companies that do not know what Twitter, Facebook and other social networks already mean, are lost”. According to Raman ‘social networks’ are the way to approach the customers. 

Tapwater in hotels and restaurants


With the website Tom Niekamp and Tetsuro Miyazaki are trying to get attention for drinking tap water. Tap water is much better for the environment than bottled water. It saves mountains of waste, and is cheaper. Especially for the hospitality industry it will be difficult to join this trend, as they make money selling bottled water. However, according to the men is also a way for the hospitality entrepreneurs to demonstrate their ‘green’ business.

Wagamama iPhone app


The originally from England restaurantchain Wagamama has developed its own iPhone application. This app allows guests to see where the nearest Wagamama restaurant is, look through the menu, to order meals and indicate when an order will be picked up. According to them, they are the first restaurant with its own iPhone app.


Coca Cola focuses on social media


Coca Cola will focus more on social media. Under the guise of “be where the customer is” Coca Cola Marketing now focuses on Facebook among others. The key is to offer interesting online content, according to Coca Cola. It is supposed to work better than distributing free samples.

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