Bols launches liqueur foam


Lucas Bols launches the Bols Foam, which is according to the manufacturer’s, the first and only liqueur foam in the world, and is available from April. The purpose of the foam is to finish cocktails or mixed drinks, shots, wine, soft drinks, beer, coffee and desserts.

PC dinner replaces the TV dinner


According to the online viewing service prefer around 60% of Britons to eat their evening meal while sitting at their computer. 15 % said they watched TV on their PC while eating a meal.


Being married pays off


According to the ad, if you are married over 20 years, you receive a 30% discount at Hooters. Ironic? Yes, especially if you know what Hooters-waitresses are famous for…

Keykeg, the bag-in-ball principle


KeyKeg works according toe the bag-in-ball principle. Because of that, no CO2 comes in contact with the beer or wine. It also reduces foam and sputter. The Keg is easy to handle, lightweight and environmentally friendly to dispose.

Glace Rare Iceberg Water


Soon you can drink water directly from an iceberg in Greenland. The water doesn’t  contain any pollutants and, according to the man behind Glace Rare Iceberg Water, Ron Stamp it is “so tasteless that it creates taste”. The water is drunk like a wine for special occasions. One Glace Rare Iceberg Water bottle costs € 15, =

Eat Carrots Like Junkfood



An interesting way promote healthy carrots, “eat them like junk food. ” Bolthouse Farms came up with this playful promotional video. The idea was to use advertising techniques that are used to promote junk food and apply that to small healthy carrots. We don’t tell that carrots are healthy because people already know that, according to the creators.



Wine Journalist Mariëlla Beukers, presented the first wine webshop guide. To compile this guide she tasted different wines from various online merchants. The web guide provides an overview of various large and small wine importers and merchants. According to Breuer, the webguide provides convenience and will therefore be published every year.

Four of peals of cabernet-grapes


With ‘wine flour’ you can make bread, pastas and sweets with a cabernet flavor. According to producer Marché Noir Foods, the gluten-free ‘grape powder’ is also sold in Europe. It is a gluten-free flour based on the peels of Canadian cabernet grapes. Rich in iron, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Recipes are available on their website.

Had enough of dull doors?


According to designer Karim Rashid people might want to spice thing up when it comes to door design. These doors are the finishing touch to any room.

Potatoes for streetfood?


According to the Dutch trendwatcher Adjiedj Bakas, potato is making a comeback! The potato fits into the trend of nostalgic-food. Consumers crave for nostalgia as counterpart to turbulent times. Who’s going to hit the streets with the Victorian potato ovens selling (baked) potatoes as street food? We Dutchies are already known for being “The Potato Eaters”.

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