Taste sensation with bread


Restaurant De Librije strives for more innovation with flavors besides optic innovation of the dishes. Hence the restaurant has started this week with a special bread-innovation by placing a pot on the table in which special dough of fermented grains will rise. After finalizing the bread in the kitchen it’s brought back together with a dip of fermented apple and goat butter. According to Jonnie Boer of De Librije guests can expect more authentic flavors, which will be dealt with in an innovative manner.

Bolletje Pepernoten Umbrella


According to Bolletje, the ‘kruidnoot’ stays the most popular type of candy during Sinterklaas. This traditional candy is responsible for 80 percent of the total 21 million euros revenue. Recent years there are more and more variants on the traditional ‘kruidnoten’. This year Bolletje came with a new Sinterklaas gadget; the ‘Pepernoten Plu’. This red reversed umbrella was meant to catch pepernoten or kruidnoten easily. As it was a limited edition, kids had to be fast to obtain such an umbrella.

Upgraded old fashion


The “Hôtel Thoumieux” is a new creation of the designers Thierry Costes and India Mahdavi. The hotel is situated above the popular “Thoumieux Brasserie” in Paris. The interior might look old-fashioned, but this is all according to the style of the designers. The hotel features 15 rooms.

Find guests through a Twitter scan service


Reach.ly is a new service focused specifically on finding potential new guests. Reach.ly monitors Twitter for mentions of planned trips and allows hotels to reach out to visitors who are heading their way. It’s a free service which begins when hotels register with the site via Twitter and indicate which cities they’re interested in. Reach.ly then begins to filter Twitter traffic for them, and presents it in a manageable number of tweets. Hotels can communicate with the potential guests at the Reach.ly interface. According to Reach.ly 9% did make a booking en about 20% indicated that they appriciated the contact. Interesting?


Dogs are welcome


Chien Bleu Travel is, according itself, the first travel agent in the UK which is specialized in the real dog-friendly hotels, cottages and other stay accommodations. Dogowners can consult this travel agent for the several accommodations, but can request whole packages as well.


Beer from Copenhagen


Carlsberg introduced a new beer, specially made for younger consumers. It is made with natural ingredients and has a fresh and sparkling taste. The label was designed by the agency e-Types. According to them, the label is minimalistic. Nordic at its best.

Fair trade tweets


Ben & Jerry’s found a way to use the unused characters in a tweet. To make the tweet Fair Trade you can visit the fairtweet website, make your message and according to the number of characters used, the website will fill in the unused ones with a Fair Trady message.

Google translate app for animals



Now it is possible to communicate with animals, according to Google. Nice attempt of Google, but this is obvious we are dealing with a joke. Watch the movie.

Drunken direction signs


In the marketplace Nehru Place, in Asia, is the pub First Floor located. Despite of zillions of shops, the people did not spend their time in the pub. The marketplace is infested with billboards, but the people have learnt to ignore them. So First Floor got Human Direction Signs ‘drunk’. They were pretending to be happily passed out at various spots with the distance and direction to the pub. According to First Floor they saw a 62 % increase in customers.


Google helps its employees to lose weight


In the canteens of Google, the large plates are replaced by small plates. They will fill their plates less and therefore the employees will eat less. According to Google, this can lead to a 5 to 8 kilo loss in one year time.  

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