Restaurant SILO: as ‘green’ as possible entrepreneurship


SILO, a new restaurant in Brighton, has got an ‘zero waste’ perspective on sustainable behavior.

According to Douglas McMaster, joint owner of restaurant SILO, there is too much waste and processed food nowadays. That’s why he created SILO, a green restaurant, bakery and a coffee house in one building.

Restaurant SILO reduces waste

Restaurant SILO takes different types of actions to reduce waste. SILO emails the menu to their guests to avoid paper waste. The leftovers are going to a composting machine where it is processed into usable compost. But it doesn’t stop there. The interior is made from repurposed materials, such as used school furniture and scaffolding shelves. SILO created a trendy, green environment to have dinner or to drink coffee.

Sustainable products

McMaster works together with sustainable suppliers. He is in direct contact with local farmers and makes sure that the products aren’t processed. Besides that he works together with a coffee supplier who has his coffee beans shipped by a sailing boat. Interested investors can buy themselves in via Crowd2Fund.

Small hospitable gesture: Leave it at Hyatt


  • Save luggage - Freepik via flaticon_comleft-luggage - Freepik via

The Grand Hyatt Melbourne has launched its ‘Leave it at Hyatt’ service, enabling visitors to safely store their belongings on site, ready for their next stay.
We have been writing about small hospitable gestures for quite some time now and this is one great example. ‘Leave it at Hyatt’ is facilitating frequent visitors to travel lighter or in case they are a bit over packed for one return flight, to pick their luggage up the next time. According to the Australian Business Traveller, regular guests can fill out a form and leave items at the reception (all within reasonable proportions of course). When they return, guests can get their items delivered to their room. Clothes can even be dry-cleaned if requested!

The ‘Leave it at Hyatt’ service is creating repeating visits and brand loyalty

A similar service like ‘Leave it at Hyatt’ is sometimes offered at wintersporthotels. Having the ability to leave skies and ski shoes at the hotel enables the guest to travel lighter. On the other hand, hotels are assured that the guest will return! Nice small gestures. What small hospitable gesture can you offer your guests? ^Marjolein

Old Amsterdam Food Tour Dinner


The Old Amsterdam Food Tour and restaurant MOES organize the ‘Golden Age Dinner’ with Marleen Willebrands on Sunday 23 November. A meal will be cooked at the basement of an old storehouse from 1646 according to original 17th century recipes. Because the dinner was served in the afternoon back then, the dinner will be served from 14.00-18.00 o’clock.

Stories from the Golden age

Between the courses stories are told about eating habits, table manners and the availability of food in the city back then. Culinary historicist and publicist Marleen Willebrands retrieved the recipes and will explain the background of old eating habits. Students of the department of old music from the conservatory will play music from that era.
Guests can enjoy oysters on entry, a Rillette appetizer of crab, Tersey with smelt, sweet chicken pie, salad with parsnips, Blancmange & roggebroodijs* *(Roggebroodijs is a rye bread ice cream – ever had rye bread ice cream before?!) and Hippocras with dragees.

Old Amsterdam habits

Because of old habits only a spoon will be provided, please bring your own knife. The stories will be in Dutch; however, the food, wine drinks and experience speak a universal language for all to enjoy.
Location: MOES, Prins Hendrikkade 142-sous
Date & time: Sunday 23 November 14.00-18.00 o’clock.

Mastri Birrai Umbri lentil beer


  • Mastri Birrai Umbri linzenbierLinzenbier
  • Mastri Birrai Umbri
  • Mastri Birrai Umbri
  • Mastri Birrai Umbri

The Farchioni family brews lentil beer with lentils from the Umbria region in Italy.

Tradition from Umbria

The Farchioni family is involved in processing agricultural since 1780 and is one of the oldest agro-industrial families in the Umbria region, Italy. Nowadays its agro-industrial legacy culminates in Mastri Birrai Umbri as they focus all of their conceptual, organizational and strategic capabilities on fulfilling Pompeo Farchioni’s vision of a distinctive, desirable beer that complements other products from the family. It did work out very well.

Beer with lentils

The beers of Mastri Birrai Umbri are crafted from specially selected malts, grains, and legumes from the region of Umbria. The innovative use of spelt, chicklings, and lentils give the beers a distinct taste. Escpecially the Mastri Birrai Umbri’s artisanal stout, brewed according to the Cotta 74 recipe, is a winner. The beer is based on a stout and has a typical lentil taste that’s accompanied by a chocolate-like aftertaste.

Quote from the owner of Mastri Birrai Umbri

“We want to make artisanal beers that are unique and enticing,
that are fully part of the agricultural traditions of Umbria,
easy to drink, and marked by the same unmistakable originality
that distinguishes all of our products.”
Pompeo Farchioni

Eco-friendly eats


  • Spruitjes

Julia Soldic, our guest writer about the Scandinavian cuisine, writes about one of her passions: the sustainable food movement.
95% of the world’s ecological food products are being consumed in Europe and North America, leaving us the most conscious eaters in the world . In ten years, the turnover of organic food consumption has tripled worldwide, according to a report conducted by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. Switzerland is the most eco-friendly country in Europe, closely followed by the gastro country of Scandinavia: Denmark. Sweden and Germany are the runners- up whilst The Netherlands, Belgium and Norway are on a shared seventh place. Consuming eco-friendly goods, in the above countries, is not yet available for the price-sensitive working class, yet perceived as a more luxurious eating habit. What can we do to change this?

Low budget eco-friendly products

In April the Executive Vice-President of the renowned American multinational corporation Walmart revealed the news that a new low budget product line with eco-friendly food will be launched: “We know our customers are interested in purchasing organic products and, traditionally, those customers have had to pay more… We are changing that and creating a new price position for organic groceries that increases access.”
In Scandinavia, larger retail corporations have entered into lifelong supply agreements with ecological farmers supplying Danish supermarkets with sustainable food options – also on their lower shelves. A brave and forward-thinking push!

The Sustainable Restaurant Award 2014

Serving ecological food is simply a result to the known equation: supply is altered after the demand. People want Eco-Friendly Eats, both portrayed in the ingredients on the menu, yet also the restaurant owners shown effort into taking care of the planet. The Sustainable Restaurant Association, in partnership with the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, awarded the Basque restaurant “Azurmendi” the Sustainable Restaurant Award of 2014. Why? Because they care about our planet and still manage to retain Three Michelin Stars. Chef Eneko Atxa leads by example for other restaurateurs by implementing solar panels, showing a massive effort into recycling, portraying free ranged menu items, serving sustainable fish- and a large variety of self-grown organic vegetables. Chef Eneko Atxa; “We have a respect for our greatest supplier: THE EARTH, OUR EARTH.” One can say that chefs like Chef Eneko Atxa, is the sustainable restaurant industry`s reply to a glorified soul like the Catholic Church`s Saint Mother Teresa.

What does this trend mean for the restaurant industry?

Ecological food is still perceived as expensive, gourmet and food for idealists. It is not until we change this idea of ecological food, and make it food for the masses, that we will see the real change in consumer behaviour. In the second largest city of Sweden, Gothenburg, the city’s foodies have taken the matter of running eco-friendly eats to another level, introducing sustainable food panels lecturing startups on how to run a successful, sustainable and organic food operation. “Sustainability isn’t just a moral issue for restaurateurs – it’s fast becoming the hottest trend among hungry consumers”, says restaurateur, author and course initiator, Jens Dolk.

Change is difficult, but by being early adopters and support the rise of ecological agriculture, we will gradually change the idealist into you and me.

Do you want to taste a Dutch ‘OHUMM kopstoot’?


  • OHUMM GeneverOHUMM Genever

OHUMM Fruit Genever is created as a perfume under the Genevers. OHUMM has 3 notes as is the case with an elegant perfume. The base note is made of pure premium Dutch Genever, the second and third notes are the fruit flavors and scents like watermelon and passionfruit or cucumber and lychee. This makes OHUMM a unique composed Genever. The flavors are numbered and have an aristocratic title as Empress OHUMM No. 9 for the Watermelon-Pomegranate combination and Sultana No. 5 for the cucumber-lychee combination.

The special perfume bottle

The OHUMM bottle, with a Hummingbird flirting with Dutch tulips, is a French design. The aroma and flavor combination is developed in Schiedam, The Genever city. Thus is a combination of French chic with Dutch tradition and quality. For example, the Diamond edition is a pure Dutch genever in a beautiful black bottle with a radius of diamonds on the front of the bottle.
OHUMM is available in two editions. The Platinum edition includes 4 OHUMM’s each with a unique flavor and scent combination that invites to be discovered by the connoisseur.

The OHUMM kopstoot or headbutt

The OHUMM taste and smell perception is inspired by the famous cocktail book ‘The Bartender’s Guide’ by mixologist Jerry Thomas. Some beautiful OHUMM cocktail creations have been made so far. Simple OHUMM ice cubes and popsicles give cocktails a beautiful playful flair. The OHUMM kopstoot (freely translated as headbutt), could easily become a new trend among women and younger hedonists! According to the creaters, a shot OHUMM and a glass of Heineken tastes delicious!

OHUMM as boutique Genever brand is only available on a limited scale in the Netherlands, Hong Kong and other cities in China and soon in California. Want to know more? Contact them via

Sausage atelier of Brandt & Levie by crowdfunding


Jiri, Geert and Samuel of Brandt & Levie sausage makers started more than three years ago their own sausage shop. This autumn Brandt & Levie want to move to the ‘Houthavens’ in Amsterdam, here they want to make one of their dreams come true. They want to open their own sausage atelier consisting of a work area and a small butcher shop. The workarea is a place where guests can make their own sausage and where new experiments can be seen, smelled and tasted. They want to give workshops, receive schools and organize events to inspire others to make their own sausage. At the small artisan butcher, products can be tasted and purchased.

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A lobby as living room the hotel


  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam
  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam
  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam
  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam
  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam
  • Opening Mercure Amsterdam

Last Thursday 2 October the flagship hotel of Mercure reopend, the Mercure Amsterdam City. The entire lobby, restaurant, the flexible workplaces and the lounge are merged in order to meet the changing needs of their guests: “People are travelling more than ever, they are aware of what they want and strive to achieve this. The call for comfort and authenticity is great. At the fully refurbished Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City we offer the high international standards that can be expected from an international hotel and at the same time we let guests get acquainted with local elements that give the hotel its own personal touch” according to Caro Eekelen, COO Accor Hotel Services Benelux.

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Truffle infused beer


  • truffelbeer

Brewing company ‘Moody Tongue’ from Chicago introduced truffle infused beer. Brewer Jared Rouben shaves fresh truffle through the beer during the brewing process. The truffle beer is served in the restaurant from Thomas Keller, Per Se in New York. According to the website, Fine Dining Lovers, the chef and sommelier from Per Sey combine the beer with roasted dark chocolate and truffle pudding with brioche cream and nuts. The brewer said the truffle beer will be launched the coming weeks in Chicago and is especially interesting for the high-end restaurants and hotelbars, as the price is 120 dollar.

Wine from a can


  • Winestar

A great wine from a can? It’s possible according to Winestar. Winestar® offers a range of premium French wines. We tried a couple at the office last Friday; a white, red and rosé wine from the Corbières wine region. We have some great wine fans at the office and they all had problems with the paradigm shift from bottle to can. But even they liked the wine. Oké, they still prefer champagne with their picnic but #Winestar is a great alternative. The can contains 187 ml wine. Great for in minibars or for airline catering, unbreakable and light.

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