Charge your phone with a soda


A mobile phone that does not need to be charged by a battery. This eco-device gets its energy from sugars in soft drinks. The back of the phone is a box where you can pour in soda. According to the designer, Daizi Zheng, the phone has a three to four times longer lifetime than an average phone battery.


Order food with iPhone


People in Chicago can now order food at restaurant ‘Wow Bao through an iPhone application. This new app allows people to customize their meals, order and pay through their iPhone or iPod touch.


Google Near me now


Google has designed a “location-based feature” for mobile phones. This technology makes it easy for restaurants, bars and ATMs to be found in an unknown area. ‘Near Me Now’ is available on the Google homepage, I-Phone and Android. Unfortunately, it is now only available in the US.


Hot chocolate by Angelina tea-salon Paris


The famous tearoom Angelina in Paris, which Coco Chanel often visited, has launched seasonal chocolate milk in a bottle. This way the delights of the famous tea room can be enjoyed at home.


OZ Vodka


The OZ Vodka bottle was designed by Bronco Trade Marketing. They emphasize the the purity and quality of the drink by transparency and the cool blue design of the bottle. The vodka is made from 100% corn, the distillprocess took place in Canada.


Shower of lamp?


This wall lamp is designed by Jos Muller and is inspired by showers and water. The lamp is made of stainless steel, aluminum and glass for the water drops. The use of glass water droplets results in reflection of light.

Old fish factory transfromed into house


This ancient fishfactory has been transformed into beautiful modern home ,designed by Zaigas Birojs Gailes. With a magnificent view of the Baltic Sea, this ‘industrial’ house a good example of reuse.


Hand in your old jeans for a hoteldiscount


 How many jeans in your closet do you really wear? That is what the staff of the Burnham Hotel in downtown Chicago is wondering. The hotel ensures that jeans that you no longer wear will end up with someone how will wear them. In return you get a $ 10 credit on your hotel room.

Teamachine with organic tea


This theamachine is the best catering-innovation of the past year (chosen at Horecava 2010). The fresh tea is set by cup with coarse, organic whole tea leaves. The user can choose from different flavors organic green, black and rooibos tea.

Bathtub shaped as en egg


The shape of this bathtub was inspired by the shape of an egg. The Italian company REXA given the bathtubbath a clean minimalist look that is suitable for many interiors. The functionality of this bath is very important. In the connected subjects, both books and magazines and towels can be stored.


Dining out in a Boeing-747


This Boeing 747 in Korea is placed right in the center of the city between the appartmentbuildings. The hull has been converted into a dining area and for a VIP experience the cockpit is furnished into a private dining area.


Spaghetti scrub


This “sponge” is made of cotton, polyester and apricot kernels or cob. Because of the flexibility of the spaghetti sponge it’s perfect to use when cleaning pots and the stove. The spaghetti sponge can be used for months.   

Organic supermarket Goodyfoody


In this supermarket in Hilversum, The Netherlands, all products are organic, but this is not the way the supermarket wants to seduce it’s customers. For this purpose they prefer terms like pampered, healthy and fresh. The store sells various products from cosmetics to food. Goodyfood focuses on the perception of consumers. On occasion a chef comes by to prepare a dish with fresh items from the shelves. There is also a kids corner and a cafe.

Ski slope app


Skiers no longer have to depend on hotels and resorts for snowreports. With this new application (I-Phone & Google Gadget) skiers can let eachother know how the slopes are through pictures and comments. This way skiers can formulate their favorite ski routes with GPS.


Picnic on the German Autobahn


On July 18th it was possible to picnic between Duisburg and Dortmund, Germany (A40 motorway). For a period of 31 hours a 60 km piece of the highway was closed for all traffic. 20,000 tables were placed on the autobahn. Is was a promotion of de Rühr toerism agency.


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