The barisieur wakes you up with the smell of coffee


This alarm clock will probably be a present from heaven for a lot of people. Imagine an alarm clock and coffee maker in one on your nightstand! The ‘Barisieur’ wakes you up with a cup of freshly made coffee. The project is on Kickstarter and has, today, only 11 days more to go. Maybe an investment for bigger hotel chains? Wouldn’t it be great to offer your guests a wakeup call with freshly made coffee?

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First gin hotel London


Portobello Road Gin has revealed to open a new venue where guest can literally eat, drink and sleep all thing gin. The idea is from Portobello Road Gin, a distillery in London. The four storey ‘gin mecca’ will feature a gin museum, blending room, Spanish-style ‘Gintonic’ bar and restaurant, shop and several boutique guest rooms.

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La Cité du Vin: Wine theme park in in France


In Bordeaux, France a new theme park will be opening on June 1st. In La Cité du Vin, which means “the city of wine”, both children and adults will have fun! read more

Trends we spotted this week – week 20


At the redaction of Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week among others, an article about sneakair who made a shoe which can help you find your way, getting high in Amsterdam with cannabis chocolates and a DIY kit to make your own wine! Perfect for the winelovers! If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! read more

The Burgundian Beer Cellar filled with aged beers


A lot is happening in the world of craft beers. At this moment we have more breweries in the Netherlands than Belgium and every bar has a variety of craft beers on the menu. One of the new trends is to age beers, something which is already done by brewers or pub owners in the past. Thanks to the Bourgondische Bierkelder (the Burgundian Beer Cellar) this process will be available for the public as well. read more

Would you go to a spa in a Burger King? It’s possible in Helsinki!


Yes, you read that right. Burger King opened a private spa in one of the locations in Helsinki. Would you go to a spa in a Burger King? The red-blue sauna does feature a TV though and Burger King towels. And it’s possible to order a Whopper and eat it in the spa.

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HOP Academy for the staff from restaurant The Old Police Station


Because it is increasingly difficult to get skilled staff, Restaurant The Old Police Station organized a one day HOP Academy for the staff. At this mostly educational day the employees gained knowledge in several areas. A great way to teach your staff the basic knowledge in a way that they communicate the right information to your guests. read more

De Verspillingsfabriek of Hutten catering is going strong.


Hutten Catering has its own ‘verspillingsfabriek’ or ‘waste factory’ since last month. Waste streams of food are being converted to new, tasteful products. With the factory Hutten Catering wants to reduce the huge amount of useless wasted food.

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Rooster & Wolf, trendy Dutch brandy


  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen
  • Menno Janssen

Actually it’s age-old: brandy, or as we Dutch call it: brandewijn. The brand Rooster & Wolf comes with a special recipe from France and a beautifully shaped bottle. Rooster & Wolf, trendy brandy to drink pure or mixed in a cocktail!

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DecoDive for the festival market


  • DecoDiveDecoDive
  • DecoDiveDecoDive
  • DecoDiveDecoDive
  • DecodiveDecoDive
  • DecoDiveDecoDive

Expensive materials are used to build decoration for festivals, to subsequently have to break it down again after the event and sometimes it will even be thrown away. DecoDive wants to change that and become the eBay for festival decorations. Soon everybody will be able to rent decoration at the website of DecoDive.

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