WHAI WHAI app as city guide


The city guides of WHAI WHAI  lets tourists explore the city. By sending a text message and set the duration, difficulty level and start location, the game begins. The participant will receive different enigmas while walking through the city, and gets a part of the story that is told about the city every time.

The Green Wall


The Green Wall is a wall made of Norwegian reindeer moss. It was created by, Akoestische Zaken, located in Rotterdam and improves the acoustics of a room. On HORECAVA 2011 the wall received the prize for best innovation in the hospitality industry.

App against foodwaste


For people who do not know exactly when they have opened a jar or bottle, or don’t know how long something is kept in the fridge, Unibyte developed the “Consume within” app. It lets you spill less food and keeps your household stock in order.

The droplet, paying Without cash


The droplet is a keychain to pay with. Through the website and a register module, visitors can buy tickets and pay for drinks and for example the cloakroom. No more cash needed.

daretoask or dta restaurant or hotel



Nils Roeman posted an article about #daretoask of #dtarestaurant or #dtahotels etc. He posted this YouTube video with his article as statement.

Ark Hotel


The Ark Hotel by Remistudio is an eco-friendly design for a hotel that is resistant to weather and completely self-sufficient. Wind turbines and solar panels provide energy, and rainwater is collected for use in the hotel.

A self-drying dish


For people who do not want have to do the dishes every time, and have too little space for a dishwasher, designer Ernest Perera designed this self-drying dish.

Camping theater


This mini-movie theater offers seating for 8 adults or 12 children. The LED projector is powered by solar energy.

Lech am Amstel


Restaurant Pasta e Basta, Brings Lech, Austria to the Amstel-river wit the pop-up restaurant Lech am Amstel, in cooperation with Amstelhaven. The restaurant serves Austrian dishes and the mulled wine is not lacking.

A soap grater


Designer Nathalie Staempfli made these two soap graters. One to put on the wall, one to use under the shower. This allows you to be more frugal with your soap.

Keykeg, the bag-in-ball principle


KeyKeg works according toe the bag-in-ball principle. Because of that, no CO2 comes in contact with the beer or wine. It also reduces foam and sputter. The Keg is easy to handle, lightweight and environmentally friendly to dispose.

Twittering refridgerator


The latest refrigerator from Samsung, Samsung RF4289 is equipped with a Wi-Fi screen. It lets you manage your calendar, leave notes, track your Twitter account, and check the  weather online.

Steaming meals in a ball


The Spanish company, Lékué produces kitchen tools of platinum silicone. This ball can be used for steaming meals. Using platinum silicone is suitable for temperatures from -6 to -260 degrees Celsius.

Website review


When you subscribe your website to Feedback Roulette, people can anonymously rate your website. What do they like, what don’t? When you sign up you can also give feedback on other websites.

Vegetable purees take-out


In early January takeaway restaurant Pure etc. opened in Strasbourg. The guests can choose from various vegetable purees, sauces, toppings and meat.

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