Being married pays off


According to the ad, if you are married over 20 years, you receive a 30% discount at Hooters. Ironic? Yes, especially if you know what Hooters-waitresses are famous for…

Fishing for cookies


 Fat Cookie is a cookieshop that litteraly fishes for customers. This bakery sells cookies from a bag from the second floor above a street and just lets its dangle there. By passers can put $ 1 in the bag and the biscuits are hoisted down in a bag.

Anatomical sleeping bag


This 215 cm long sleeping bag shows the exact anatomical lay out of your body. This sleeping bag is banned in Japan and there is little information available about it, but is is definitely an eyecatcher on any camping site!

Philips Avent baby app


Philips Avent presented an app to help pregnant women and mothers. ‘My baby & me’ logs the growth of your baby, its weight, sleeping pattern and findes breastfeeding locations.

Times Square to become open air museum


 A group of Dutch designers and art lovers launched an initiative to turn Times Square into Art Square. For one day, they want to replace all advertisements on billboards by the art from the world’s most famous museums. The project should be financed by crowd funding, and achieved in 2012.

The easiest way to grow your own


This’ BTTR Gourmet Garden is an all in one package which you only have to place in a little sunlight. The only thing required is that the box is sprayed 2x a day, this spray is included in the package and costs $ 19.95.



Grubwithus is a site that organizes group meals in a restaurant aimed to meet new friends.The evenings have a fixed price (about $ 20) and time (2 hours). For now it is only offered in San Francisco and Chicago.


Drink responsible


The Bottle is a smart arlternative for plastic bottles. Water you drink from this bottle is purified by an ingenious carbonfilter. Through this filter chlorine, lime and organic bacteria will disappear from the water. The Bobble is available at  € 11.95 at  the Bijenkorf and Schiphol Amsterdam Airport.

Foie Gras cotton candy


Cotton candy with foie gras was served at several Grammy pre-parties.

The Mazooka


The Mazooka shoots marshmallows and great is great for parties or “food fights”.  The Mazooka can shoot a as far as 10m and is made by the Marshmallow Fun Company.

Device measurse effects of junkfood


If you are young and / or fit, it’s hard to believe that certain food or habits like smoking can harm your body. This device the size of a mouse sends a beam of light to your body and then collects the reflected ‘light. It can then be determined how many wavelengths are absorbed by the body, and thus how many antioxidants the skin contains on a scale from 1 to 10.

Taste of art plates with QR-codes


Taste of Art will team up with Pocketmenu, a company that builde mobile websites for restaurants. On the new plates QR-odes will be printed that, when scanned with a smartphone,  will direct you to the (mobile) website of the restaurant.

Grow your own


A British art student, Ben Huttly, designed vetgetable packaging that is 100% biodegradable. By laser cutting the labels you avoid using polluting ink and it is also is also filled with seeds so the buyer can harvest his own vegetables.

Personalized recipes through Twitter


The Spanish food brand Gallina Blanca offers followers the posibility to tweet ingredients and you will receive a response with a recipe.

SODIS Solar Water Desinfection Method


It sounds too good to be true, simply fill plastic bottles with water and UV-A rays kill all viruses, bacteria and parasites, known as SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection method). Problem is that it cann’t be checked if the water is really clean. Students of the University of Washington now developed the PotaVida, an electronic sensor that can determine if the water is clean or not.

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