Wrap ‘N’ Mat
Wrap ´N´ Mat is a reusable food wrap which is environmental friendly and convenient to use. It keeps bread, cookies and sandwiches from drying out. Wrap ‘N’ Mat is also machine washable and can be used again and again.
Wrap ´N´ Mat is a reusable food wrap which is environmental friendly and convenient to use. It keeps bread, cookies and sandwiches from drying out. Wrap ‘N’ Mat is also machine washable and can be used again and again.
McDonald’s Playland in Sydney is specially build for grown-ups. McDonald’s always advertises ‘I’m Loving It’. Now the grown-ups can experience this as well. Watch the movie.
Champagne House Perrier-Jouët celebrates its bicentenary with the unveiling of Bi-Centenaire Champagne, the very first living legacy champagne designed to be passed on to future generations.
French brewery, i-Bière launches ’24 Carats’; the first beer containing flecks of 24 carat real gold. This beer will be an expensive one, about € 50,= per bottle of 75 cl.
Emma Active is a new platform that rewards people who take the time to identify and tag products on photographs. Consumers tag the photos en link these products to brands and products, and are linked through to a brand page where the product can be viewed and purchased. These ‘sellsumers’ are the advertisers and will be rewarded for this.
Funny marketing campaign by Adelade Casino. Marketing agency Jamshop organized a campaign of the missing ‘Big Cow’. During each announcement, ‘coincidentally’ an announcement of an 18inch beef appeared. Watch the movie.
Use more than only pepper or salt to season your dishes. With these Spice Sprays you season your dishes to your specific taste. The Spice Spray is available in de tastes of basil, garlic, truffle, curry, chilli pepper, oregano, lemon and sea salt.
The Healthy Coffee Company is a new kind of coffee company that respects all the health benefits of coffee as well as the taste. This Italian coffee made of 100% natural ingredients, the first fresh-brewed coffee of its kind. It contains over three times the amount of anti-oxidants than green tea and it is lower in calories than the original coffee.
The iCookbook iPad app is specially made for chefs at home. Normally you must use your food-covered fingers to scroll through the recipes, but this app is voice controlled. You will use voice commands to follow the recipes’ steps without touching the screen.
In the canteens of Google, the large plates are replaced by small plates. They will fill their plates less and therefore the employees will eat less. According to Google, this can lead to a 5 to 8 kilo loss in one year time.
Lifetokens is a new way to send a message. Online messages are attached to real physical tokens and delivered via mail. The tokens have an image on the front and a unique code on the back. You can read your message by entering this code on Lifetokens.com
A pen you can chew on and can be entirely eaten. The candy that is used does not stick and doesn’t melt when it is in your hands.
The Ark Hotel is a concept, designed to be protected from extreme weather and is self-reliant. The arch-shaped building has a structure that enables to float and the wind turbines are used to create energy. This innovation is not a prevention against global warming, but is rather dealing with a new reality.
The Lifelapse Experiment is an iPhone app that will take a picture every 30 seconds of your life. You will never lose a special memory and you can replay your life in high speed. In fact, you can relive a day of 24 hours in about 24 seconds. All you need is the Lifelapse app and the LifePouch, a special carrier for your iPhone to make sure the camera is always visible.
Lucas Bols launches the Bols Foam, which is according to the manufacturer’s, the first and only liqueur foam in the world, and is available from April. The purpose of the foam is to finish cocktails or mixed drinks, shots, wine, soft drinks, beer, coffee and desserts.