Starbucks & Lady Gaga Quest
Starbucks and Lady Gaga introduced an online Scavenger Hunt, a search game. Every week contesters have to find a clue. Last weeks assignment: to be found with QR codes on posters inside the Starbucks shops. This weeks challenge has to do with the new Lady Gaga album. The purpose of the game is to let people use the social media and collaborate in finding the solutions. The winner gets Lady Gaga related presents.
Fair Trade Route Arnhem
The Fair Trade Foundation of the Dutch city Arnhem made two routes through the city. The routes do lead you to all the shops and restaurants who sell Fair Trade products.
Champagne on the rocks
Moët & Chandon introduced this week the Moët Ice Impérial, the first Champagne on the rocks. Because of the rich structure, hints of sweetness and red fruits, the taste is preserved even drinking it with ice. The Moët Ice Impérial is the perfect addition to a well established party.
Martell Trunk
Pinel & Pinel, (renowned malletier, luggage makers) and Martell, designed a cognac Trunk. Inside you will find the finest and most exclusive cognacs. Several trays contain silver cognac tools, crystal glassware and a humidor with sigars. For more information, take a look on the website of Martell. Tip; use code 1715 to discover all the secrets.
Heineken Invite
The Heineken Invite is a clever bottle opener. Everytime you open a beer, the opener posts via bluetooth or internet a message on your Facebook wall to let people know you are having a party, and you are inviting your friends.
The perfect festival tent
The Volkswagen van symbolizes the sixties, and is now available as tent. Perfect to visit al the coming festivals this summer. It is spacious enough for 4 people, and the tent is available in a yellow, red and blue edition.
Adjusting bowl
The Lago Fruit Bowl, designed by Moises Hernandez, is the most versatile and flexible fruit bowl that exists on the market. Inspired by the rippling effect that moving objects have on the water surface, the top layer of the fruit bowl is designed to change shape whenever fruit is placed on top of it. The shape of the bowl depends on the kind and amount of fruit placed into the bowl.
Your coffee always at the right temperature
This stainless steal coffeebean makes sure the coffee is always on the right temperature. The coffeebean has temperature controlling material inside which absorbs the heat of the coffee and releases it slowly. Therefore it cools the coffee down when it’s too hot and reheats it when the coffee gets to cold.
No damage from online reviews
ReviewPush allows owners of a business to stay on top of their reviews in an efficient way. There are so many user reviews sites, that it is more difficult for business owners to keep up with all of them. ReviewPush monitors most user review sites on a daily basis and alerts the business owner via a customized review report.
Vice Ice Wine Martini
Vice is the world’s first vodka icewine martini. VICE is the combination of Icewine from Vineland Estates Winery and pure Canadian Vodka. The wine is served chilled from the fridge or freezer in a martini glass.
Panoramic cottage
Is this John Lewis garden pod the new trend of this coming summer? A panoramic cottage which allowes you to enjoy your garden, during rain of shine. It’s made of a wooden frame, a stainless steel roof and windows all around. You can rotate the pod to put the entrance in or out of the sun. Along the side of the interior there are benches and in the middle a small coffee table which can be turned into a bed.
The Dutch island Texel can now be visited online. The website is filled with panoramic pictures. A month after the release of the website, more than 17,000 people took a online tour on the island.
Thanks to the city
Lucas has lived in Barcelona for 3 years and had a great time. Therefore he wanted to thank the city. Together with bookingssite Antrapalo he gives away free theatre tickets. Accompanied by the message “be more concerned about other peoples happiness” he spreads the tickets away hanging on balloons.
Automatic McDonald’s
McDonald’s is automating orders by replacings staff for a terminal. The way of ordering your meal at McDonald’s hasn’t changed in the last 30 years. That’s why McDonald’ss introduces the ordering terminal. You can order a meal and pay at the terminal. It saves a little time per customer, some people say that they are sad to see their personal service leave.
Wearable grill booth
In Berlin this man is regularly spotted with a wearable hot dog booth. The device is completely equipped with parasol, gastank holder, sauce holder and a grill. After serveral tests with charcoal and batteries, it turned out propane was the safest and best option. The design concept is called ‘Grillwalkers’ and it’s made by Bertram Rohloff in 1997.
Inspiration for hoteliers
The vacation period is coming up again and apart from all the preparation, comes another challenge: the big SIM card exchange with family and friends. Because of the extraordinary (roaming) costs that come with a SIM card from ‘back home’, it is cheaper to call with local cards. If your relatives can’t provide you with the right card(s), a newly bought card is one of the best value-for-money buys you can do on your holiday. Mostly it even pays off to buy an extra phone as well, especially if you return to the country on a regular basis or stay for more than a month.
Wouldn’t it be very nice if you could save all this fuzz and lend a card, or even a phone upon your arrival?! And wouldn’t it be very easy to have such a service at your hotel? The phone in the hotel rooms is only used for a wake-up call or room service, but imagine the possibilities of a ‘mobile hotel phone’. The ideal win-win situation whereas the guest can call much cheaper, the hotelier provides an extra service and can even make last minute offers or send (important) messages.
The introduction costs of a concept like this are acceptable, hotel owners can even start a test with cheap prepaid SIM cards. I’m sure you will gain extra service points from your guests and the media, a nice instrument for free publicity.
Green light switch
The design of light switches and electric outlets in the house with a green touch will be noticed. The purpose of this design is to make people aware of their energy use and that they shoulden’t take it for granted.
Another picknick table
“Another picnic table” is the title of the design for this picnic table. Beside its regular picnic table purpose, the seats can be flipped upwards to create a more relaxed seating position. Anthor Feature of this design is that the traditional bench on a normal picnic table is split into two separate seates which makes it easier to use.
Square meter kitchen
This kichten design is based on a Chinese puzzle box, It is a small cube which tranforms into a full kitchen island. Everything you need in a kitchen is there, a fridge, cooking plate, oven. Draws, a sink and a working surface. Nice solution for small holidayhouses.
MyFarm is an initiative of the UK National Trust where it is all about crowdmanagement. The farm of Wimpole Estate in Cambrigdeshire, which containts over 2.500 acres of land, is calling for 10,000 ‘online farmers’ to participate to sign up for £30 and provide this farmer with advise and to discuss other issues through blogs and videos. The online farmers don’t need any previous farmer experiences. Points of discussion will be; crops being grown, livestock being bred and general wider issues regarding the farm’s interaction with the environment.
SocialStay – build your own hotelapp
SocialStay is a platform for hotels for building, managing and growing a custom mobile environment. SocialStay lets hotels create their own branded mobile apps in minutes. These apps are fully customizable and also automatically integrated with several social media. Hotels can easily notify the guests of discounts or other related special offers, feature as well a “wall” and a “Who’s Here?” section to help guests to connect with each other.
Being paid for watching commercials
These commercials are integrated in the videogames. The commercials can be found in over 350 different games which you can play through Facebook. Unfortunetaly you won’t become rich, watching these commercials: you will receive around €0,07 in Facebook credits, which you can spend on Facebook deals.
Before I die..
Before I die I want to…. (fill in yourself) is an idea of Candy Chang. An abandoned building in New Orleans is used as a writable blackboard. Everybody can use it as the social medium of the neighbourhood. If the wall is full, it is cleaned and writable again.
Jungle roof garden
In Japan they wanted something different with the Namba Park shopping mall. They ‘ve built a 8 level roof garden with streams, waterfalls, trees, lawns rock formations, cliffs and a veggie garden. The total surface spans several blocks.
Fair trade tweets
Ben & Jerry’s found a way to use the unused characters in a tweet. To make the tweet Fair Trade you can visit the fairtweet website, make your message and according to the number of characters used, the website will fill in the unused ones with a Fair Trady message.