NL Delivery Game | Meal deliverers safer and more aware on the road


  • NLVVM horeca trendsNLVVM
  • Delivery Game horeca trendsNL Delivery Game
  • NLVVM horeca trendsNLVVM
  • Delivery Game horeca trendsNL Delivery Game
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Since the corona pandemic, the number of meal deliveries in the Netherlands has increased excessively. According to the Food Service Institute Netherlands (FSIN), this market grew by 37% compared to 2019. This development is leading to an increasing number of meal delivery in the industry, especially the 16 to 24 year old age group. According to Veilig Verkeer Nederland (the Safe Traffic Association Netherlands (VVN), this age group takes more risks in traffic, which means that they are more likely to be involved in accidents. To prevent this, the Dutch Association of Meal Delivery Services (NLVVM) has created the NL Delivery Game. The initiators – consisting of ten large delivery chains – join forces and launched this training game for the more than 20,000 meal deliverers they employ. In the game, the traffic and behavioral rules of the Safe Traffic Association Netherlands are tested. Resulting in more meal deliverers safer on the road and more aware in traffic.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Extra tool ‘NL Delivery Game’ | Making meal deliverers safer

In recent months, the focus has been on developing and testing the NL Delivery Game for the chains Taco Mundo, De Beren, Domino’s Pizza, Spare Rib Express, Johnny’s Burger, SushiPoint, New York Pizza, Febo, Kwalitaria and Eazie. Tom Filippini, chairman of the NLVVM, explains: “The safety of the employees has always been a priority at the affiliated delivery formulas. By combining our know-how and experiences in the NL Delivery Game, we now have an extra tool with which we can guarantee the competences and we are making the path for our meal deliverers safer”


In collaboration with Veilig Verkeer Nederland and game builder AtHand, useful content has been collected on the basis of existing training programs to shape the training game. Through gamification, all kinds of traffic and behavioral rules are tested on the basis of the five golden rules for meal deliverers that were previously drawn up by VVN and NLVVM. These include driving calmly and obeying traffic rules, sticking to the speed limit, stopping at a red light and zebra crossing, not using a phone while driving and wearing a helmet correctly. Rob Stomphorst of the VVN, explains: “It is of added value that the VVN and the NLVVM join forces for a game that guarantees safety in traffic. The game contains elements to create awareness among meal deliverers and thus encourage them to contribute to more road safety.”

Domino’s is very innovative with delivery methods, from e-bike programs to robot deliverers

Website: NLVVM

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