Milestone for new Dutch BOB Rivierenland | very first wines bottled


  • Beschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOBBeschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOB
  • De eigenaren van de wijndomeinen die per juni 2023 tot de BOB Rivierenland behorenDe eigenaren van de wijndomeinen die per juni 2023 tot de BOB Rivierenland behoren
  • Beschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOB RivierenlandBeschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOB Rivierenland
  • Beschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOBBeschermde Oorsprongsbenaming - BOB
  • De eigenaren van de wijndomeinen die per juni 2023 tot de BOB Rivierenland behorenDe eigenaren van de wijndomeinen die per juni 2023 tot de BOB Rivierenland behoren
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A milestone for the six wine estates of the new BOB Rivierenland: the first wines covered by this geographical quality label are in bottles and have been labelled. It is the very first bottling of the BOB Rivierenland approved in December 2022, which stands for ‘Beschermde Oorsprongsbenaming’ (Protected Designation of Origin) Rivierenland.

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BOB Rivierenland | stands for Protected Designation of Origin Rivierenland

The Protected Designation of Origin Rivierenland covers a defined area around the Geldersche IJssel, Nederrijn and Maas rivers, which includes the Betuwe and part of the Achterhoek. Only when the wines comply with all rules and have been organoleptically tested (via a set assessment method through tasting and smelling) may this geographical label be placed on the label.

Milestone after long and intensive road

Co-founder and chairman of the association BOB Rivierenland Diederik Beker: “The fact that we have the very first wines under the BOB Rivierenland banner in bottles is a milestone and we as winemakers are very proud of that. From preparation to application and approval of our BOB was a long and intensive road and the fact that five years later we can release the first wines under this label is a crowning achievement. We started with three wine domains and now the BOB Rivierenland counts six wineries.”

All wines released under the BOB Rivierenland have a certain basic quality because they meet strict conditions. “So you can always be sure that a wine with this designation of origin is a high-quality product. This is important for all the wine domains. Almost all the wines are made from grapes from the harvest 2022, which is a good vintage. Partly due to the many hours of sunshine, the wines have a matured beautifully,” says Diederik Beker of the Betuws Wine-domain.

Sustainable quality wine

The vineyards within the BOB Rivierenland are planted on fertile and mineral-rich river soils of clay and sulphur. These soils are characteristic of BOB Rivierenland and produce wines with ripe, primary aromas.

Diederik Beker: “There are currently eight BOB’s in the Netherlands and the common thread within Rivierenland is to make sustainable quality wine. The maximum permitted yields are very low and only modern grape varieties that are less susceptible to plant diseases and fungi are used. The authorised grape varieties for the Rivierenland BOB are Cabernet Blanc, Cabernet Cantor, Johanniter, Cabernet Cortis, Merzling, Cabaret Noir, Muscaris, Monarch, Sauvignac (VB Cal. 6-04) Pinotin, Solaris, Regent, Souvignier Gris and Villaris. This significantly reduces the use of plant protection products. In addition, vegetation under the vines with grass, flowers and herbs is mandatory, benefiting biodiversity and soil fertility.”

Wine estates in the BOB Rivierenland in 2023

Wijndomein Auansati, Kerk-Avezaath, Jan Everts and Karin Eizema; Vineyard De Nieuwe Fontein, Culemborg, Sander Kroeze; Vineyard Keulenhof, Elst (Gld), Arjan and Ingrid Stam; Winehouse Montferland, Gendringen, Leon and Magda Masselink; Winefarm ‘t Heekenbroek, Drempt, Job and Neeltje Huisman; Betuws Wine domain, Erichem, Diederik Beker and Arina van Leenen.



The wines of  Rivierenland are available at the six wine estates that currently belong to the BOB area. Some of the wines are also available at select outlets and, in addition, the wines are served in various restaurants. More information is available from the individual wine domains.

More information on Dutch wines and the various BOB’s can be found on the Dutch website: Nederlandse Wijn Info.

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