Managing group menus with | Convenience and flexibility first


  • Managing group menus with Menukiezen.nlManaging group menus with
  • Managing group menus with Menukiezen.nlManaging group menus with

In the hospitality industry where efficiency and customer satisfaction are essential, the Dutch initiative (MenuChoice) offers a tool for streamlining group menus. Their solution supports restaurants, cafés and caterers in meeting the varying expectations of large groups of guests. Restaurant supply the link with the guest so they can share it with the group of people they invited. For example, a number of restaurants now have 3 to 4 fixed menus in the system. The person organizing the dinner chooses the menu and shares the link with his or her guests. For the restaurant, it’s just the push of a button. It’s similar to a date picker but for menu choices!

2 minutes read

User feedback | Clear overview and ease to use

According to user feedback, offers significant benefits for kitchen staff and service. The system provides a clear overview of the group menu, resulting in more efficient kitchen operations and informed service staff. This leads to faster service and improved communication, essential for efficiently serving large groups. also takes allergies and dietary requirements into account for groups simplifies the customisation of group menus and also takes allergies and specific dietary requirements into account. This quick adaptability is crucial for keeping all guests within a group safe and satisfied, and increases customer satisfaction by ensuring everyone sees that their needs are taken seriously.

Reducing food waste

This tool also helps reduce food waste, a critical issue in the hospitality industry. By making precise adjustments to the group menu based on real-time feedback and sign-ups, kitchens can better manage their stocks and prepare exactly what is needed for the group. This results in less excess food and contributes to more sustainable operations.

Manage menus

A well-organised page allows you to view and manage all created and running menus. Here the restaurant manager can also easily make a copy of an existing menu. And share it with a new group so you don’t have to create a menu every time. You can create a number of fixed menus for groups to choose from. After which you can share the link with an accurate overview. is not just a tool for managing individual menus; it is a partner for all hospitality companies that want to serve groups efficiently and responsibly. The tool not only offers enhanced overview and customisation flexibility for group menus, but also helps meet dietary requirements and reduce food waste. On their website, they show how can transform and simplify managing group menus in your restaurant. You can create and use 1 menu for free with all applications and updates. To create and manage multiple menus, they charge €7.50 per month or €69 per year.



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