Leo catering announces new lifestyle vision


  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
  • New lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina SlagmolenNew lifestyle vision for Catering Leo - credits Nina Slagmolen
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Leo catering, a leading catering company, is proud to announce its new lifestyle vision, focusing on the pursuit of an integrally healthy lifestyle. Leo catering believes they can go further as a caterer in contributing to vitality than just with food. They believe they can contribute to integral vitality, which is broader than their main activity: healthy and tasty food. This is why they are introducing the ’10 energizers’ (sleep, nutrition, exercise, humor, passion, relaxation, socializing, home, work life and meaning) in an exclusive partnership with Mind&Health.

2 minutes read

Leo catering | Striving for an integrally healthy lifestyle

In a world where striving for a healthier lifestyle is becoming increasingly important, Leo catering recognizes that as a caterer, they can and want to do more than ‘just provide lunch’. The company is committed to the well-being of its clients and their employees by going beyond traditional catering services. “As employers, we have a certain responsibility to keep our employees healthy and vital as they spend a significant part of their time at work,” said Tjen and Damon van Ee, co-owners of Leo catering. “We believe that an integrated approach to vitality demonstrates care for our employees and also brings considerable benefits to the business itself, such as more productive employees, a more optimal cooperation and a lower absenteeism and turnover.”

Exclusive partnership with Mind&Health

To realize this vision, Leo catering has formed an exclusive partnership with Mind&Health, a dynamic organization specializing in the integral well-being, specifically about working people. Together, they have joined forces to mobilize and secure a healthy, integral lifestyle within companies.

With this collaboration, Leo catering is aiming for the position of ‘THE lifestyle caterer of the Netherlands’. The company’s ambition is to involve at least a quarter of their existing relations in their new lifestyle vision by the end of 2024 and to have them participate in customized lifestyle programs.

Leo catering is more than just nutrition; they aim for vital working conditions in the Netherlands. For more information on the new lifestyle vision and cooperation with Mind&Health, please contact Tjen van Ee via email.

About Leo catering

Leo catering is a renowned corporate caterer dedicated to a personal approach, customization, flexibility and has a main focus on healthy food. With a passion for food and wellness, Leo Catering strives to create a healthier and balanced lifestyle for its clients and employees

About Mind&Health

Mind&Health is an organization specializing in promoting the well-being of working people, with a focus on mental and physical health. Their expert team offers tailor-made solutions for companies to integrate and secure a healthy and integral lifestyle in the working environment based on the 10 energizers. These are ten (physical and mental) aspects, which influence each other. If every person gains insight into these 10 aspects and how to apply them personally, you will become energetic, feel good about yourself, be maximally productive and feel resilient, even when life is (briefly) more challenging.

Website: Leo catering, Mind&Health

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