‘Lecker Chess Tournament’ in Utrecht


  • Bierbrouwerij De LeckereBierbrouwerij De Leckere
  • Lecker Schaken SchaaktoernooiLecker Schaken Schaaktoernooi
  • Bierbrouwerij De LeckereBierbrouwerij De Leckere
  • Lecker Schaken SchaaktoernooiLecker Schaken Schaaktoernooi
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Yesterday the ‘Lecker Schaken Schaaktoernooi’ (Lecker Chess Tournament) started in Utrecht (The Netherlands). The ‘Lecker  Chess Tournament’ lasts four weeks and has been organized by the ‘De Leckere Brewery’ in collaboration with local cafes and restaurants.

Great idea to organize at a local level, we also happen to know people who started playing chess again after seeing the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit. And great that after a lot of online quizzes we can finally play a board game with each other again! By organizing it on the first days of the week, the De Leckere brewery creates an extra source of income for the catering industry. Inspiration for other cities? Or some bars?

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Lecker Chess Tournament

From November 8 to December 1, an interesting series of evenings is on the agenda for everyone who likes to play chess and love a great evening in Utrecht. For 4 weeks, Brouwerij de Leckere organizes the Lecker Chess Tournament on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in 9 cafes and restaurants in Utrecht. By the way Lecker is the Dutch word for yummy!

“The Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit has made chess extremely popular again”, says Eric Odewald, initiator and director of ‘Brouwerij De Leckere’. After we have only been able to challenge each other online for a long time, there is finally room for an old-fashioned game of chess. On a real board, looking your opponent straight in the eye, with a real beer on the table.

Grand final on wednesday December 1st

The winners of these evenings will be invited to play the decisive battle during the grand final on Wednesday 1 December. In addition to eternal fame, the winners compete for this grand prize: a fully catered weekend in Utrecht for two including a tour of the brewery, beer tasting, dinner in the De Leckere café and an overnight stay.

Dates & times

The tournament takes place every evening in a different café or restaurant in Utrecht. The first round will take place on November 8 at the Werkspoor Cafe of Bierbrouwerij De Leckere. The next edition will take place on the Straatweg, followed by the Nieuwe Dikke Dries. The games start promptly at 7:30 PM. The dates of the chess tournament are as follows: November 8, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 & grand final on December 1.

For more information and the registration form, visit the De Leckere Brewery website. Participation is €7.50 and includes a beer mug. Tickets available via the website of De Leckere brewery.

Website: De Leckere 

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