Ice cream | A list for the lovers


  • Bavaria Radler ijs
  • The Tipsy Scoop
  • Sweet Mirrie's
  • Suikerspin burrito
  • Nozem ijs
  • Lekkernijs
  • Liefmans ijs
  • Gin-tonic ijs
  • CoolMess
  • Bavaria Radler ijs
  • The Tipsy Scoop
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One of the unique characteristics of ice cream is the fact that it combines very well with several products. In May we already published a bucket list with ice cream parlours but in the meanwhile we already posted 10 more stories about ice cream. A new list thus with amongst others one of the first ice cream parlours in the Netherlands that sells rolled ice cream, a parlour where DIY soft serve ice cream is being served and a cotton candy burrito with ice cream but also ice cream with alcohol like gin tonic or with beer. We are curious which Dutch ice cream parlour starts selling the black ice cream. It’s a total Instagram hype at the moment!

Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream serves black ice 

Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream has introduced a new flavour in 2016 which is totally black. After months filled with colourful products (check out Instagram: #rainbowfoodtrend) Morgenstern’s decided to introduce something opposite: black ice cream. The secret ingredient seems to be ashes of the coconut!

CoolMess | DIY soft serve ice cream

CoolMess is a modern ice cream parlour, located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. They allow their guests to make DIY soft serve ice cream at their tables. A favourite parlour for kids, teens and adults that love a DIY messy ice cream with a lot of toppings. If you’re one of them you have another place to visit in NYC this summer!

Lekkernijs | Molecular ice cream for adults 

Lekkernijs, serving sorbet & cocktail sorbet turned into molecular ice cream for adults! The ice cream will be made while waiting with the use of nitro oxygen. Lekkernijs can be found in the recently opened foodcourt Hofhouse in The Hague, The Netherlands. You have to be quick because the pop-up will only be there for three months.

Sweet Mirrie’s | First ice cream teppanyaki in The Hague

Two weeks ago, a new unique concept opened in The Hague. Sweet Mirrie’s makes ice cream as we already have spotted a lot in the Far East. The teppanyaki ice cream is not brand new, we spotted it before and wrote about it before. But we haven’t spotted a concept like this before in the Netherlands.

Gin & Tonic popsicles | Limited edition at Aldi

We already spotted them back in May, the limited edition Gin & Tonic popsicles that were sold at Aldi in England. The coming weekend (from the 7th till the 9th of July) they are also exclusively for sale at Aldi in the Netherlands: Gin & Tonic popsicles and Prosecco & Peach Bellini popsicles!

Bavaria Radler Ice | #ice cream to toast

Bavaria introduces Bavaria Radler Ice Lemon 2.0%. Bavaria Radler Lemon 2.0%, now for sale on a stick. The Dutch beer brewer is the first major brewer with an ice cream made of Radler. The refreshing ice cream has a light sweet Radler flavour, with tones of lemon and 2.0% alcohol and will be available from this summer at several festivals and events in The Netherlands. Festival Wish Outdoor in the Dutch village Beek en Donk was the first event to present the ice cream last weekend.

Cotton candy burrito | ‘Burrito’ filled with ice cream

We cannot deny that ice cream burritos and ice cream tacos have become popular! Now we’ve spotted Sugar Sugar, a dessert shop in Ontario, Canada. Sugar Sugar serves a cotton candy burrito, a ‘burrito’ filled with ice cream. A great creation for people craving for sweet stuff.

The Tipsy Scoop | Liquor infused ice cream at this barlour

At the Tipsy Scoop they blend artisanal, hand-crafted ice cream with perfect mixed cocktails. To enjoy an ice cream at Tipsy Scoop you need to show your ID because of the fact that the ice cream have up to 5% alcohol volume.

Liefmans ice cream | At ice cream parlor Bon Appetit in Breda

Do you love Liefmans beer and ice cream? Then you have to go to ice cream parlor Bon Appetit in Breda, a city in the south of the Netherlands. Since last week, this ice cream parlor sells Liefmans ice cream. Even better, at this moment, there is a promotion! Bon Appetit and city blog InBreda are going to give away 100 Liefmans ice creams. The Liefmans ice creams are served in a special Liefmans glasses that you can take home.

Nozem ice cream | Ice cream for Zwarte Cross festival visitors

Visitors of the Zwarte Cross festival in the Netherlands could make a pit stop at party centre and pancake house ‘t Noorden in Aalten. They had Nozem ice cream at their menu for the Zwarte Cross visitors passing their location. Nozem Ice Cream is made in collaboration with a farm where ice cream is being made. The ice cream is based on a popular drink being sold at Zwarte Cross: Nozem Oil.

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