Glass of ‘Zeeschuim’ anyone?


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  • Brouwerij Homeland introduceert het huisbier Zeeschuim voor Het ScheepvaartmuseumBrouwerij Homeland introduceert het huisbier Zeeschuim voor Het Scheepvaartmuseum
  • Brouwerij Homeland introduceert Misthoorn Brett BierBrouwerij Homeland introduceert Misthoorn Brett Bier
  • Brouwerij Homeland introduceert het huisbier Zeeschuim voor Het ScheepvaartmuseumBrouwerij Homeland introduceert het huisbier Zeeschuim voor Het Scheepvaartmuseum
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Homeland Brewery and The National Maritime Museum (Het Scheepvaartmuseum) in Amsterdam are pleased to announce an unique collaboration. During the Homeland Special Beer Festival taking place on March 8th and 9th at The National Maritime Museum, the house beer named Zeeschuim (Sea Foam) will also be launched. This “good neighbour” collaboration brings together two neighbours in Amsterdam who share their passion for craft and history.

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Introduction of the house beer Zeeschuim

The house beer of the National Maritime Museum is inspired by Dutch beer history, with a recipe that harks back to the days when beer was transported in large barrels aboard ships. It is a modern interpretation of an IPA, with additions of oats and extra hops for a fresh, slightly bitter taste with notes of citrus. Zeeschuim (Sea Foam), as the beer is called, offers a smooth mouthfeel. It combines traditional construction techniques with innovative ingredients for a unique drinking experience. It will be available in the museum café and at special events and festivals organised by Homeland Brewery and the National Maritime Museum.

Not one, but two new beers to taste at the Special Craft Beer Festival

Besides Zeeschuim, another new special beer will also be launched at ‘Het Speciaalbierfestival‘. With this brett beer Misthoorn, Homeland Brewery and Nijmegen Brewery Nevel join forces. Misthoorn navigates from healthy soil to a sustainable beer brewed with local ingredients. The grain comes from the Sellink Brouwbos in the Dutch Achterhoek region. Homeland brewed this beer with Dutch hops and the fermentation was done in Nijmegen with Brouwerij Nevel’s unique yeast culture. The result is a fresh, dry and slightly sour beer, with the addition of wild-picked Mugwort (Artemisia indica). This promises to be a tasty journey of discovery during The Craft Beer Festival for which you buy tickets here!

Website: Brouwerij Homeland & Scheepvaartmuseum

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