FG Food Gamble as reaction to promotion weeks
In response to the many restaurant promotion weeks in the Netherlands, François Geurds of FGRestaurant**, FGFoodLab and FGShop introduced the ‘FG Food Gamble’ promotion. For a fixed price of € 130, – per person, guests can challenge their luck with the number of courses they will get at the two starred Michelin restaurant. They may draw a card with 4 to 7 courses on it and the kitchen staff will prepare the number of courses that is drawn, or the average amount in the case of different cards. A joker card is hidden between the deck, which will mean an extra for instance live cocktail making at the table.
Counterpart of promotion weeks
With this creative campaign François Geurds introduced a countermove for the many promotion weeks. François mentions in the interview by MissetHoreca, that some of the organized actions may affect the company in a negative way. For this reason, he takes matters into his own hands with this FG Food Gamble promotion and will not join third party campaign weeks anymore.
Website: FGRestaurant