Corona Island | Beer Brand Corona and experts shape this immersive guest experience


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In advance of the highly anticipated opening of Corona Island, a destination designed to help visitors disconnect from the everyday and reconnect with the natural world, Corona announced three global experts who will help shape the island’s immersive guest experience through food, design and lifestyle touchpoints. Corona Island’s design and programming will be led by an all-star roster that includes Jaime Gaztelu and Mauricio Galeano of James & Mau, Jairo Márquez, Chef Christopher Carpentier and Paulina Vega, Lifestyle and Culture Curator.

We’re a bit jealous here in Europe, only eleven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and South Africa) are running local promotions that unlock a once-in-lifetime all-expenses paid trip to the Island. Additional opportunities for the public to access the Island will be announced in the coming months, let’s hope we will get the chance to win that trip as well!

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Corona Island | Reconnecting with nature

“Corona Island personifies the brand’s purpose of reconnecting with nature and we’re thrilled to partner with our new global ambassadors to bring this to life,” said Felipe Ambra, Global Vice President for Corona. “With their expertise, our Island programming will be an incredibly immersive experience that will have deep connections to nature and celebrate the island’s beautiful habitat and organic surroundings.”

In addition to the new ambassadors, Corona is continuing to strive toward its goal of becoming “Blue Verified,” as part of the international NGO’s rigorous Blue Standard program with the help of their global partner, Oceanic Global. The assessment is currently underway with Corona Island set to become the first fully Blue Verified Island by its launch later this year.

A bioclimatic and sustainable concept

International architectural and design firm, James & Mau, will spearhead Corona Island’s overarching design concept. The firm has a strong portfolio of bioclimatic and sustainable concepts and that knowledge is being applied to the Island’s building structures and guest bungalows. Local Colombian architect, Jairo Márquez is adapting James & Mau’s concept to the reality of the island’s conditions, anchored by sustainable and locally-sourced materials.

“In line with Corona being brewed with 100% natural ingredients, the Island’s structures are thoughtfully designed to complement and blend in with its natural surroundings, whether it’s the sea, beach, flora and fauna,” said Mauricio Galeano Escobar, Chief Architect for Corona Island. “Our approach honors our collective, deep relationship with nature, inviting guests to stop, breathe and listen to the beautiful world around them and celebrate the natural environment.”

Sustainable culinary program led by chef Christopher Carpentier

The sustainable culinary program for Corona Island will be led by Chef Christopher Carpentier. Chilean born and now residing in Colombia, Chef Carpentier is a regular guest judge on MasterChef Colombia and Chile and operates several restaurants in the region. With two books and multiple culinary awards under his belt, Christopher is equipped to bring the delicious and natural flavors of Latin America, directly inspired by Corona 100% natural ingredients.

“As a latinoamerican cook and resident of Colombia, I have deep respect for multicultural gastronomy,” said Corona Island’s Executive Chef, Christopher Carpentier. “I’m looking forward to sustainably bringing local flavors to life in the Island’s culinary menu and programming. With the garden we plan to plant on-site, our kitchen will be an experiential way for our guests to reconnect with nature through fresh, delicious, local cuisine.” Check the video, the text continues below the video:

Workshops in sustainable living at Corona Island

In addition to design and cuisine, Corona Island’s guest experience will focus on workshops and excursions that immerse guests in sustainable living. Former Miss Universe 2014, television host and model in her native Colombia, Paulina Vega steps into the role of the Island’s Lifestyle Curator. As a lifelong beach lover and curious adventurer, Vega will co-create the Island’s lifestyle experiences ranging from snorkeling excursions to mangrove planting, drawing upon her Colombian roots, embracing the lifestyle and culture in which the project was born in the hopes that when guests return home, they’ll have fallen in love with nature all over again.

About the beer brand Corona

Born in Mexico, Corona is the leading beer brand in the country, the most popular Mexican beer worldwide exported to more than 180 countries. Corona is a pioneer in the beer industry by being the first to use a transparent bottle showcasing its purity and high quality to the world. The artwork found on the bottle is painted, highlighting our commitment to quality in our packaging and our Mexican heritage. No Corona is complete without the lime. Naturally adding character, flavor and refreshment, the lime ritual is an integral part of delivering an experience that is truly unique to Corona. The brand is synonymous with the beach and celebrates time outdoors. It invites people to pause, relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Corona has an ongoing commitment to reducing plastics. Back in 2010 we wrote a small article about the Beach Hotel in Rome, made of  12 tons of waste from European beaches. 

Website: Corona Island

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