CLR CFF | Colourless coffee in a bottle


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Clear Coffee or colourless coffee in a bottle, CLR CFF. Slovakians David and Adam Nagy came up with a solution to those awful coffee stains on your teeth: clear coffee. CLR CFF is made with high-quality Arabica coffee beans and pure water. It looks like water but is cold coffee. Might be a secret ingredient for coffee based cocktails!

Colourless coffee as secret ingredient for your cocktails

It could be used in coffee based cocktails without the colouring, making it your secret ingredient. The method is a company secret although we have read before that if you don’t roast the coffee beans, there will be no colouring. But in our source, The Standard, it says that and I quote: “The production process is a closely guarded secret but they admit they use freshly roasted Arabica beans.” According to the website of CLR CFF they didn’t add preservatives, stabilizers, sugar or sweeteners.

The brand is currently only available in the UK, including at Whole Foods. A five-pack of bottles is available for £14.99.

Bron: EveningStandard

Website: Clear Coffee 

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