Cheflabels | Ready-to-use HACCP stickers


  • CheflabelsCheflabels
  • CheflabelsCheflabels
  • Cheflabels | Eigenaren: Mounir Chtouki en Chris ReindersCheflabels | Eigenaren: Mounir Chtouki en Chris Reinders
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  • CheflabelsCheflabels
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The dishwasher removes the ready-to-use HACCP stickers from Cheflabels in 20 seconds. Not only food, but also ready-to-use HACCP stickers are now prepared by the chef in the kitchen. Thanks to the Cheflabels printer, every chef can print and paste any desired label in the kitchen via an app on their mobile.

Chef is now also preparing his own water-soluble HACCP stickers in the kitchen

They want to work practical and efficient. Chef Chris Reinders and Mounir Chtouki absolutely agree to having ‘the administration of the kitchen’, but also very labour intensive. The chefs therefore came up with some solutions to tackle several frequent problems, because according to them it is about time for new administration ways in the kitchen. “Scratching stickers, always trying to get the nail behind the sticker, and then as good as it goes trying to remove the latest parts of the sticker, can be time-consuming and irritating”, says chef Chris. “That’s how we came up with the idea of making water-soluble stickers, by putting the stuff in the dishwasher the problem is solved in 20 seconds and the sticker is removed.”

The latest solution from Cheflabels, however, is the printer in the kitchen that allows chefs to print their own labels via an app. Chef Mounir: “Handwritten labels can cause inaudibility, especially if you have to read someone else’s handwriting, just try to decipher what it says: printed text is always readable, but the system needs to be practical. Going up and down to the office is not something you want to do.”

Ready-to-use HACCP stickers via an app

Cheflabels therefore deliberately chose to develop an app. “Everyone always has their phone at hand, so what is easier than just opening the app, type the text and send it wireless to the Cheflabels printer? The printer is so compact that there’s always a place for it.” The printer is available from mid-September.

Cheflabels uses especially certified food and environment friendly glue and ink for the stickers, they also use special printing paper for the labels that does not suffer from water splashes and fat spatter. The labels remain well readable. And for those who don’t need a printer, Cheflabels also offer an encode pliers with water-soluble stickers.

About Chefflabels

The company Cheflabels is founded to offer solutions for the problems that many chefs in the kitchen run into. The chefs Mounir Chtouki and Chris Reinders thought that the administration in the kitchen, the labelling of shelf-stable food products with dates, could be more efficient. That is why the company helps chefs to use innovative initiatives that makes cooking a lot easier and efficient. Cheflabels, by and for chefs.

Website: Cheflabels

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