Cheeseburger Dumplings | 2019, the year of the crossovers?


  • Cheeseburger DumplingsCheeseburger Dumplings
  • Cheeseburger DumplingsCheeseburger Dumplings
  • Cheeseburger DumplingsCheeseburger Dumplings
  • Cheeseburger DumplingsCheeseburger Dumplings
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Leonie van Spronsen, lives and works in New York and enjoys new concepts that she spots in the hospitality industry. In this blog she argues for more crossovers in the hospitality industry and gives an example, the cheeseburger dumplings created by Mimi Chengs & Emily. In addition, she thinks that hospitality entrepreneurs should contact friends from within the industry to see what they could create together. Might be a great opportunity to generate more publicity and buzz for your business! She loves to hear (and taste) what you’ve created!

Hospitality crossovers | Blog by Leonie van Spronsen

Sharing economy, start-up incubators,  hospitality hybrids.. all buzz words and phenomena of the last few years that indicate that we are moving towards a society that collaborates. Keeping in mind that the buying power of Millennials gets stronger and stronger and it’s mostly us that fuel this need for connection, for collaboration.

In hospitality we have seen this with the aforementioned hospitality hybrids, stores with their own coffee shop and/or restaurants galore worldwide these days but I would like to advocate that in 2019 we take this collaborative spirit on step further; into hospitality crossovers! This can be as simple or as elaborate as you can imagine but the benefits can be great. I will explain by a perfectly executed example (that is already quite old to be honest):

Cheeseburger Dumplings | co-created by Mimi Chengs & Emily

Both hospitality entrepreneurs realized they absolutely adored each other’s food, with Mimi Chengs selling premium, delicious dumplings and Emily pizza serving one of the best burgers in town. A few years back they realized that they could swap and integrate recipes and for a limited time sell dumpling pizza and hamburger dumplings.  They both promoted their dishes on their channels while mentioning each other’s business and got mentions on all of the big food media in New York. The dumplings were so incredibly popular that Mimi Chengs still receives messages to bring them back and does so every once in a while  for limited time. Now I’ve had these and they are absolutely delectable.

All they really did was some fun creative experimenting with likeminded hospitality entrepreneurs, promote the outcomes on their own marketing channels and created a whole lot of buzz for themselves and each other, which translated in a lot of extra business.  What’s not to love?

If you are reading this and are looking for a new way to create buzz for your business why not hit up some industry friends and see what you can create? I would love to hear and taste (of course!) what you came up with.


Website: Mimi Chengs & Emily 

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