Nedap introduced a tweetmirror at the WE fashion stores. With this mirror pictures can be made to compare different outfits. In addition, you can send the photos by email, MMS or twitter to ask the opinions of others.
Nedap introduced a tweetmirror at the WE fashion stores. With this mirror pictures can be made to compare different outfits. In addition, you can send the photos by email, MMS or twitter to ask the opinions of others.
For those who never want to wear wet shoes on a festival again, the shuella is the solution. These sleeves fit over any shoe, boot or pump, and easily fit into any handbag.
Are empty water bottles uncomfortable to carry around? The Vapur is the solution. The flexible water bottle can be rolled up or folded when empty. The vapur can be used several times.
The French pastry chef Dalloyau made these cupcakes to drink. The cupcake consists of a strawberry-smoothie inside a chocolat ball with a creamy topcoat. The cupcake is so delicate that it can only be eaten on the spot.
With the chocolate sprinkles of Venz you can play an online game. By using the special code on the box, which needs to be held in front of your webcam, you can play a racegame.
The Scottish brewer Brewdog designed these bottles of beer, which cost € 580,= and contain 55% alcohol. The bottle is wrapped in dead squirrels or stoats. Although the brewery says only ‘roadkills’ are used, it’s a pretty controversial packaging.
On billboards in New York and Los Angeles Calvin Klein has published large QR-codes. People who pass by the billboard can scan the code with their smartphones and watch the latest ad.
The supermarket-chain Tesco has introduced the lasagna sandwich; a combination of the English and Italian kitchen.
These bottles of Dom Perignon champagne are a tribute to Andy Warhol and the first bottle he designed. This limited edition is only available in 4 shops in Spain.
Nedap introduced a tweetmirror at the WE fashion stores. With this mirror pictures can be made to compare different outfits. In addition, you can send the photos by email, MMS or twitter to ask the opinions of others.
For those who never want to wear wet shoes on a festival again, the shuella is the solution. These sleeves fit over any shoe, boot or pump, and easily fit into any handbag.
Are empty water bottles uncomfortable to carry around? The Vapur is the solution. The flexible water bottle can be rolled up or folded when empty. The vapur can be used several times.
The French pastry chef Dalloyau made these cupcakes to drink. The cupcake consists of a strawberry-smoothie inside a chocolat ball with a creamy topcoat. The cupcake is so delicate that it can only be eaten on the spot.
With the chocolate sprinkles of Venz you can play an online game. By using the special code on the box, which needs to be held in front of your webcam, you can play a racegame.
The Scottish brewer Brewdog designed these bottles of beer, which cost € 580,= and contain 55% alcohol. The bottle is wrapped in dead squirrels or stoats. Although the brewery says only ‘roadkills’ are used, it’s a pretty controversial packaging.
The bottle locker protects your bottle and your children.
On billboards in New York and Los Angeles Calvin Klein has published large QR-codes. People who pass by the billboard can scan the code with their smartphones and watch the latest ad.
The supermarket-chain Tesco has introduced the lasagna sandwich; a combination of the English and Italian kitchen.
These bottles of Dom Perignon champagne are a tribute to Andy Warhol and the first bottle he designed. This limited edition is only available in 4 shops in Spain.