Pio Pio restaurnat New York
Nearby Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan the Pio Pio restaurant is located. The interior was designed by the styling studio of Sebastian Mariscal and inspired by South American culture. The restaurant is part of the Pio Pio group and specializes in grilled chicken.
Slappy Cakes pancakes
In this restaurant in Portland (USA) guests can put together their own pancake. There are several choices in syrup, chocolate and fresh fruit from the garden.
Organic fastfood by star-chef
The famous French three-star chef Marc Veyrat started a self-service restaurant in Annecy, France that is called”Cozna Vera ‘. He presents the old-fashioned food in jars filled with natural products such as veal or chicken with turmeric ourguignon (heated bain marie). Starters, Main courses and desserts cost between € 5 and € 10. Guests can sit at stainless steel tables and stools are on transparent plastic. The restaurant will strongly promote that they do not sell products with pesticides, they do this through the slogan, ‘0 pesticides = 0 illness.
Truck at NYC Restaurantweek
During NYC Restaurant Week in 2010 for the first time a truck is used. The truck will be used between the 25th and 29th of January and from the first of February to the 5th. The truck will drive through Manhattan during lunch and people in busy locations will be offered a cup of soup. Each day a different restaurant will provide the soup. Via twitter and www.nycgo.com/restaurantweek, people can track where the truck will be located.
Organic oliveoil
The French designer, Philippe Starck, has designed the cans and bottles of this organic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The products are made in Andalusia (southern Spain).
Opinion Maker allows you to survey the guestexperience with a modern and user friendly touchscreen computer. The opinions of the guests are measured by means of a scientifically approved system.
Creditcard cutlery
Back in 2006 Ineke Hans introduced cutlery in the format of a credit card. Back then, this inventive design wasn’t noticed because it was ahead of its time. Nowadays however, this cutlery is very usefull when eating on-the-go.
Muji book of spices
Designer Nick Bampton has designed this concept for the Japanese store Muji. This book is a mini-collection of spices and herbs. Each page is removable and can be torn out when preparing your meal. The idea behind the book is to avoid problems when traveling with spices.
Ladies’ tequila by Rosangel
Tequila is best known as a man’s drink but this variant of Rosangel is perfect for women. The tequila has the flavor of hibiscusflowers with a hint of vanilla. With Valentine’s Day in prospect, this is the perfect idea for a romantic cocktail.
Google Near me now
Google has designed a “location-based feature” for mobile phones. This technology makes it easy for restaurants, bars and ATMs to be found in an unknown area. ‘Near Me Now’ is available on the Google homepage, I-Phone and Android. Unfortunately, it is now only available in the US.