Hello Kitty wine
The little cartoon cat Kitty has become a real woman and now has her own wine label. And not without success, this wine is sold in Singapore, USA, Russia and England. The wine comes from the vineyards of Lombardy, a Pinot noir grape, in northern Italy.
Decant and pur wine at the same time
The Italian designers of Acquacalda have the ideal solution for both the decanting and pouring of wine. In addition, the wine is fairly distributed.
Free online music with Pepsi
Order a Pepsi with your iPhone in restaurants. You’ll save points on your Loot (iPhone App). When collected three points, you can download a song from a database of 250,000 songs. According to Pepsi, this is the first iPhone app that acts as a loyalty program.
Bully the competition
If you’re always standing in the shadow of the big competitor, what can you do? Seattle’s Best Coffee has the answer. Take out the competition by taking over their office. How? Watch the YouTube video.
Creative marketing really works
This Thai producer of soda water could not break through in Thailand. Until they came up with this marketing stunt. In the months following after that stunt, sales rose from 200,000 bottles to 1,000,000 bottles. View the marketing stunt on YouTube.
Alcholic beverage in an instant
With this package, you can turn any kind of juice into an alcoholic beverage. The product is made from yeast, which is rapidly converted into alcohol. Be careful though, as your drink might contain more than 14% alcohol.
Calories show up at Burgerville check
Burgerville does not only list all the calories of individual dishes on the menu but also shows the total of calories consumed, on the bill! With an extra health tip at the bottom.
New York Pizza political party
New York Pizza is gratefully using the empty billboards that are now displayed for political parties. Throughout Amsterdam, they are distributing posters of the “choose fresh” party. However, when visiting the website you realize that you are dealing with a marketing stunt by New York Pizza.
Delicious teaspoon
These teaspoon are designed for single use. Stir your tea one time and enjoy your spoon!
Worlds most expensive omelet
Boisdale, a restaurant based in central London, claims to serve the most expensive omelette in the world. This exclusive omelette is made from eggs from seagulls. Only 40.000 seagull eggs are sold worldwide every year. An omelette costs € 105, =.