Red Bull Mobile
Red Bull introduces telecom services in dozens of countries around the world. To attract customers potential customers receive exclusive reports and videos on their phone of several extreme sports. In Austria, Hungary and Switzerland, Red Bull Mobile already operates. The plan is to operate in 140 countries. Whether Red Bull Mobile will also be inrtoduced in The Netherlands remains unknown.
Kochhause makes cooking easy
Kochhaus in Berlin makes buying ingredients and getting inspiration for cooking easy. The shop put down ready-made dishes at different places in the store, with the ingredeients necessary to make the dish right beside it. Finding the right ingredients belongs to the past.
Funkin Cocktail Mixer
The French company Huitième Monde launched the innovative Funkin Cocktail Mixer. Making a 100% natural cocktail with help from this mixer is easy, you only need to add the corresponding liqueur to the cocktail. The Funkin Cocktail Mixer can be used for 16 different cocktails with or without alcohol.
Sake climate cabinet
After the cabinets for wine and chocolate there’s also a climate cabinet for Japanese sake. Since this drink can be consumed both hot (38 C °) and cold (at 5 C °) the cooler has wide temperature range. The cabinet has a capacity of 40 bottles and the temperature is easily controlled with the touch buttons on top of the cabinet.
Papri, a must have for every hotel
The Papri is a double-sided door hanger with ‘do not disturb’ on one sideand and a checklist for housekeeping on the other side. On the checklist guests indicate what work they want done. It provides a green and more efficient management and better communication with the guest. Since the checklist is marked with erasable ink, the card is reusable. This makes the Papri not only guest, but also environmentally friendly.
The Vegetarian Butcher
On Monday October 11th the vegetarian butcher opens its doors in The Hague (The Netherlands). Customers can buy several innovative and tasty meat substitutes. The vegetarian butcher also offers several lupine-based products as a sustainable alternative to meat.
First Twitter cookbook
Almost every day the Irish home cook Maureen Evans publishes a recipe on her twitter account @cookbook. Evans currently has just over 35,000 followers to try her recipes at home. Because the messages on twitter may only be 140 characters long Evans uses abbreviations. Thus s + p for salt and pepper. The dishes Evans publishes vary from noodles to biscotti.
Lookotels introduces eco-friendly low budget hotels
The Spanish chain Lookotels will build several sustainable low-budget hotels, each with 100 rooms. The rooms are prefabricated modules and offer a bed, tv, desk and chair, a telephone, airconditioning, wifi and a bathroom. By integrating a self-service check-in system personnel costs are being saved.
5 for 5 pop-up cafe in London
Innocent, known for their smoothies, offers people in London a dinner for £ 5,= called ‘five a day’ to achieve the daily dose of fruit and vegetables. Customers can choose between 2 different starters, 3 main courses and 2 desserts. The meals are composed by chef Gizzi Erskine. The meals are nutricious enough to reach the daily recommed amount of fruit and vegetables
Sting opens farmshop
Popstar Sting had plans to open a farm shop on an estate (Il Palagio) near Florence. The shop will offer organic products such as honey, olive oil, wine and salami. At the moment, Il Palagio offers yoga classes.