Inspiration from 2009: Assistance in the kitchen


Nowadays we see serveral technical tools for in the kitchen, like the voice controlled culinary app. In 2009 we saw this computer which explains the consumer step by step how to prepare the dish, including the shoppinglist, how to preheat the oven, how to cut correctly and how to handle several diets.

Share a table


“Share a table” is an initiative taken for business guests who travel a lot, resulting in a lonely dinner. “Share a table” enables the guest to join a table for a simple conversation and sharing a meal, which is indicated by cards shown on the table.  A wide range of hotels in Spain, Andorra, Portugal and the Netherlands joined this concept.




Cookieboy is originally a fashion-designer but switched to baking and desiging  cookies. His cookies are used for several projects like the LaForet Harajuku shopping complex en the musuem of Tokyo. Next to these exhibitions he works with brands like Issey Miyake. Also nice as ‘follow-me-on-Twitter’-cookie with the coffee.

Funny campaign Big-Bloom


How do you show that your chewing gum makes the biggest bubbles…

The Hospitality game



The ‘Gastvrijheidspel’ (dutch for: The ‘Hospitalitygame’) is a simple but  educational game, which makes you understand what hospitality means for your company. The standard forms help you translate the outcomes into marketing campaigns.

Inspiration from 2009: Take the stairs, choose a target


Last week we’ve informed you about a new ‘ healthy’  McDonalds concept in Paris. It’s not the first time that health is on the agenda of McDonald’s. In 2008 at Stockholm, the fastfood restaurant based a campaign on their visitors’ movement habits. Depending on their choice for stairs or escalator, they would see an Coca Cola regular of light advertisement. 

Find all parties on Queensday with this iPhone app


A clear overview of all the Queensday parties in your neighbourhood, sending tweets, practice the national anthem, follow the photostream, stay up to date with the latest train information and see where all your friends hang out on April 30. The Queensday 2011 application is now available.

Book a restaurant table via Facebook


Reservationbook eTender has developed a Facebook application that enables visitors to book a table directly on the Facebook page of a restaurant. “Eetcafé Aangenaam”  in Haarlem is the first who offers this application.


New hottest pepper ever Trinidad Scorpion Butch Taylor



To cook with the hottest chilli in the world, special protective clothing including a mask and gloves is required. The Trinidad Scorpion Butch Taylor measures on the Scoville scale, which measures the spiciness of peppers, over 1.46 million units. To compare, pepper spray gets a score of two million units.


Inspiration from 2008: Citytours by Louis Vuitton


In partnership with Soundwalk, Louis Vuitton organized in 2008 serveral audio-guided citytours in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. For € 12,= per person, you could enjoy of stories of theses cities. A nice example of brand stretching, when a company is focusing on new unexplored markets. Other examples of brand stretching, is the Armani hotel or the Ralph Lauren restaurant.

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