Floor for women only


The new (yet to be opened) Danish hotel Bella Sky Comwell created a floor specially for female guests. The rooms are women friendly, by making the bathrooms more feminin and giving the rooms a make-up table and a full length mirror. Also the electronics are easier to use.


Airport Park Schiphol


Schiphol Airport created an indoor park for travellers to relax. The park features sounds of cyclists, animals and children. There are also butterflies projected on the walls and floors. The Park Restaurant provides healthy and fresh products.  

Paper Phone


The paper phone uses elnk technology. This is electric paper and is used in e-readers. The phone is fully flexible. The elnk screen is only black and white, and very slow, the good thing is a long battery capacity. The electronic paper is also usable on clothes and they are working on a bracelet, the “Snaplet”, watch the movie.

Cheese & tea, delicious


  • kaas-theekaas en thee pairing

The combination of Dilmah tea with cheese. Delicious! The warmth of the tea in combination with the cheese – it literaly melts on your tongue. Serve the tea in wineglasses.

Bread made with milk from camels


A farmer in the south of Holland, owns about 50 camels. Not for show but for the production of camelmilk and chocolate (spotted in 2010) and bread with camelmilk. This type of bread is very convenient for people who are having a cowmilk allergy. Order your own camelbread online, it comes in a special ovenbag, so without unwrapping it, you can put the bread in the oven.


Easy to open bottle cap


Teardrop shaped bottle cap designed by Shao-Nung Chen will allow you to easily open Coca-Cola bottles. This clever design makes bottle caps more user friendly and easier to grip.


Your own social media theatre


This theatre is designed by Aaron Jones, it’s a theatre where visitors plug in their smartphones and play music and video’s from youtube or their own movies. At this way one is able to create one’s own theatre night through social media.

6 course dinner in subway New York


Several guests received an invitation to take the subway in New York on the 1st of May, where they were treated with a superfast 6 course dinner, organised by chefs of the supper club A Razor, A Shiny Knife. The subway changed into a pop-up restaurant where small luxery dishes where served. The dinner took only 22 minutes.

Easy ordering via the E la Carte


The new ‘Presto e la Carte’, like the Otoucho which we are familiar with in the Netherlands, is a tablet which is used in restaurants. Through this tablet, guests can watch the menu, ordering dishes, pay the check, but as well play games during the waiting and writing reviews at the end of the dinnerparty. This tablet is not meant as replacement for the human staff, but rather compliment a pre-existing service.


Lauched; Monte Scroppino machine


After the succes of bottles Monte Scroppino Originale in 2005, the developers found a new practical way to satisfy both (re)seller and customer: the Macchina. A stylish machine that creates the perfect Scroppino (wodka, prosecco and lime ice cocktail) and will bring sunshine to the terraces this summer! Curious?! From mid June available at Lion Noir, Red Sun, Dauphine the Harbour Club Scheveningen and Rotterdam.

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