The Green Wall
The Green Wall is a wall made of Norwegian reindeer moss. It was created by, Akoestische Zaken, located in Rotterdam and improves the acoustics of a room. On HORECAVA 2011 the wall received the prize for best innovation in the hospitality industry.
The droplet, paying Without cash
The droplet is a keychain to pay with. Through the website and a register module, visitors can buy tickets and pay for drinks and for example the cloakroom. No more cash needed.
Camping theater
This mini-movie theater offers seating for 8 adults or 12 children. The LED projector is powered by solar energy.
Keykeg, the bag-in-ball principle
KeyKeg works according toe the bag-in-ball principle. Because of that, no CO2 comes in contact with the beer or wine. It also reduces foam and sputter. The Keg is easy to handle, lightweight and environmentally friendly to dispose.
Twittering refridgerator
The latest refrigerator from Samsung, Samsung RF4289 is equipped with a Wi-Fi screen. It lets you manage your calendar, leave notes, track your Twitter account, and check the weather online.
Vegetable purees take-out
In early January takeaway restaurant Pure etc. opened in Strasbourg. The guests can choose from various vegetable purees, sauces, toppings and meat.
Crush, a teens club
The Atlantis Paradise resort in the Bahamas has opened a club specifically for teens, the club is called Crush. Since January 1st teens can have fun on the dancefloor or in the VIP room. In addition, the club also has its own performance stage, several videowalls and teenagers can also use a game room.
A Ring Peeler
The Companion Ring Peeler, developed by Qing Ji and Wu JiaYue is designed to peel fruit. The ring needs to be put around your forefinger to peel the fruit. The Ring Peeler by Companion isn’t for sale yet.
The first Twittertaxi
The first Twittertaxi is a hit. The Amsterdam taxi driver Dave Kuipers is active on Twitter since last summer and his account now has 700 followers. People who need a taxi just need to send a Tweet. In his taxi Kuipers offers his customers the possibility to play with an iPad, which are at the headrests of the front seat.
Church, brewery and restaurant by Jopen Beer
The brewery Jopen in Haarlem has a new home. It is not just a church where a brewery is located, but it’s also a restaurant and a grand café. This allows guests to whitness the brewing process with their own eyes, during their meal or while enjoying their drink.