Cognac glasses by Normann Copenhagen


On the website of Normann Copenhagen are these unusually designed glasses displayed. These glasses are designed to enhance the bouquet, temperature and volume of fine cognac.

Edible golden sparkles!


Inspiration for a sparkling glass of champagne at New Year’s Eve.


Last minute inspiration for Christmas desserts


Just a simple twist will turn your strawberries into a great addition to the grand dessert. Check the websites Cutest Food and Bakerella for more inpiration. Inspiring Holiday wishes from Van Spronsen and Partners Group.

Take your receipt to the toilet


Already a known system in Germany, but now seen in the Netherlands as well. Did you drink a cup of coffee at Starbuck, keep your receipt to use the toilet. Clever for the entrepreneur; you prevent lines with tourists for the toilets.

Like tip box


Burak Kaynak has designed a Like tip box. This physical version of the Like button on Facebook will probably get you extra tipping because a wink like this always works. On top of that, guests see that you’re active on social media, so prepare for more ‘real’ likes and free-publicity.

Kale popular in New York


The Dutch product kale is one of the most popular vegetables in New York at the moment. They don’t eat this the way Dutch people do, but they eat this vegetable as a salad, they use this in pasta dishes and even in cocktails. Watch the movie or watch the web log of Erik Mouthaan for several recipes.

Snow-covered mountain restaurant


You can find this restaurant “Tusen” in Sweden’s ‘Ramundberget’ Mountains. This beautiful building is made from locally sourced materials and boasts its own water and sewage system, designed by Murman Arkitekter. The restaurant, which is an apres-ski bar as well, serves Swedish food and offers shelter against the cold for tourists. Tusen is Swedish for thousand.



Twitterdrink is a new drink that can be served during network events. This blue drink is a mix of wine, coconut, mandarin and pepper. You can order this drink with your own QR-code.

Disloyalty card for cheating coffee fans


In Singapore eight indepent coffeeshops have made a disloyalty coffee card. This card stimulates to visit all the eight different coffeeshops and taste their coffee. When the card is full, you can get a free coffee at the shop where you got the card.

Christmas inspiration: Santa Claus hat brownie


  • Kerstmuts brownie

These brownies with a Santa Claus hat are really easy to make. You take a brownie and put vanilla-butter on top. Top this off with a strawberry, which serves as a hat, decorate this with some whipped cream. Nice to serve this with a cup of coffee during the Christmas period.

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