Kitchen & Bar Van Rijn opens in Amsterdam


On the 5th of September ‘Van Rijn Kitchen en Bar’ opens officially, but it’s possible to have a sneak peek already. The dine & dance concept at the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam has a 7,5 meters high ceiling with a self portrait of Rembrandt van Rijn in a mosaic of acoustic tiles. The open kitchen serves ‘Dutch cuisine fushion with a twist’, Jazzy D will host the jazz-oriented music nights.

Photo: Klijn Fotografie

A sparkling wine made out of birch sap


A Sparkling Elixir Reminiscent of Spring, from the Virginal Wine-making Region of Jämtland, original recipe from 1785. Sav is a sparkling wine based on birch sap. The sap is harvested from birch trees growing on the mineral-rich soil of The Great Lake area in Jämtland. If you want more information just watch the German or French youtube video about the wine or check the website of BeNeLux importer Aclusive.

The Longest Vegetarian Table in Amsterdam


The Vegetarian Society (The Netherlands) orginazes  ‘The Longest Vegetarian Table’ on Wednesday 11 July. The event is organized at the Museumsquare in Amsterdam, and they strive to feed at least 600 and up to 800 people at once at a long table of 220 meters. The meal is offered for free, but the organization is still looking for sponsors. For singles who want to meet other singles, there are special places at the ‘Vega Dates’ tables. Register by Facebook. The video is in Dutch, about the event last year in Utrecht.

Most expensive cupcake


We recently decided to put no more cupcake variations at our website and then we saw this youtube movie…. Great, quiet youtube video about the making of the most expensive cupcake, according to Bloomsbury’s bakery in Dubai. The Golden Phoenix costs 800 euro.

McSucces by Ubel Zuiderveld


McDonald’s is one of the most succesfull restaurants in the world. Even during economical crises the company still thrives. This Dutch book by Ubel Zuiderveld provides a view in McDonald’s ‘kitchen’. He has published some articles in English as well.

Public coffee waste mushroom farm


Seattle had a temporary store front where Olson Kundig Architects and CityLab7 collaborated to create a mushroom farm. The coffee waste from local cafes was used to grow the mushrooms on. A side effect of this urban farm was social cohesion and increased the dialogue about urban farming and its business possibilities.

KeTo Reporter is beer from tobacco


Beer and tobacco don’t match anymore because of the ban on smoking in bars and restaurants. With the KeTo Reporter by Italian brewer ‘Birra del Borgo’ this can change. The starting beer is Re Porter, then Kentucky tobacco leaves are added. The tobacco gives the beer its pitch black color and spicy taste.

Update: The beer is from Friday available at ‘De Bierwinkel‘ in Leiden (The Netherlands).

No waste icecreambowl


At the Reader’s Digest Food Blog you will find great recipes. We particularly liked these icebowls. No waste, sustainable and a great way to serve ice cream, even in restaurants… At the foodblog Kitchen Vignettes there’s a video about the making of.

Neige Ice cider


This Neige Ice cider is produced in the same way as eiswein, de apples will stay in the tree until the temperature drops to -7°C. A lot of attention has been paid to the packaging, therefore this could be a nice gift idea.

Bacteria killing wand


It looks like magic. According to the producer of this Instant-Sanitizing Kitchen Wand, bacteria will be killed in only 20 seconds by using the UV-illumination.

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