

Only available in the Burger King Whopper Bar on Times Square: The ‘New York Pizza Burger’. Counting 2,520 calories it’s not very healthy, but fortunately you can share it with your friends.

Bus and more


A personal dinner in natural surroundings, that is what ‘Bus en Meer’ offers. You will be picked up in an old fashioned VW van and a table and dinner will be arranged on location.

Noura, Lebanese cuisine


Lebanese cuisine Noura, this summer guestcuisine in department store Le Printemp. Noura has two delis, two restaurants Gastronomique and 4 Noura Brasseries in Paris.  

Busses in the future


An idea from China. If it ever will be introduced, buses will go over the traffic, so that they are less affected by traffic jams, and traffic jams are shorter due to less buses!



Potatoes for streetfood?


According to the Dutch trendwatcher Adjiedj Bakas, potato is making a comeback! The potato fits into the trend of nostalgic-food. Consumers crave for nostalgia as counterpart to turbulent times. Who’s going to hit the streets with the Victorian potato ovens selling (baked) potatoes as street food? We Dutchies are already known for being “The Potato Eaters”.

Strongest beer in the world


The Dutch brewer Koelschip from Almere, The Netherlands, brewed a beer with an alcohol percentage of 60%! You don’t drink this beer but  sip it like cognac! A single bottle costs € 35, =.

Red Bull hide and seek


Red Bull Sugar Free has been available in supermarkets for quiet a while. Now, Red Bull also targets restaurants and other outlets for Red Bull Sugar Free. Red Bull hid a number of 4-packs of Red Bull Sugar Free troughout The Netherlands. If you find one, report it on the website and you can win some nice prizes.



Nedap introduced a tweetmirror at the WE fashion stores. With this mirror pictures can be made to compare different outfits. In addition, you can send the photos by email, MMS or twitter to ask the opinions of others.

Joly ice cream


Another nice example of shop-in-shop. Ice maker of the year in 2004 Wesmael David, who works at the Groupe Holder (Ladurée among others), developed the ice cream Joly. The creamy ice cream is kept at -8 degrees Celsius and finished with toppings a la minute in the Water-bar of the department store Colette in Paris. Ice cream from Jerome Biarritz is alsosold ice here, the icemaker is specialized in special flavors of ice cream, for example Chantaco, Ginger Lime, Neige du Sahara, Rock’n Rhum, Xocolate.

Always the perfect steak


With the Charcoal Companion Steak Station ‘you always make the perfect steak’. The sensors are poked directly into the meat and the display shows how long the meat should be grilled.

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