Former Noma sous-chefs are opening restaurant


Two former Noma sous-chefs Samuel Nutter and Victor Wagman will open a new restaurant named Bror, in the heart of Copenhagen next month. Currently there are not many details available, but they will grow their own vegetables on Sejerø island. The two chefs have opened a Twitter and Facebook account to keep people up to date on the progress.

Photon Shower reduces jet lag


During a demo at the TED conference in California, Delta showed a concept shower called ‘Photon Shower’ that could help passengers recover from their jet lag. Delta worked together with Wieden + Kennedy New York and sleep expert Dr. Russell Foster to design a shower that uses light to alter the body’s internal clock. Travelers can enter their flight information and the ‘Photon Shower’ will adjust for their needs based on flight time. The light recreates the effects of sunlight to alleviate jet lag.

Hangout for farmer and consumer


The Youth Food Movement and the Dutch ‘Agrarische Jongeren Kontakt’ bring farmers and consumers together at the online platform ‘Het Eetcafé’. With the online platform the distance between farmer and consumer is reduced and the consumer learns more about the daily practice on a farm. The online platform gives the farmer the opportunity to explain how things are going at the farm and the consumers can ask questions, criticize and start discussions. The platform will soon be offline as well. This year they will organize days throughout the country where farmers meet consumers in the city and consumers can visit the farm to see where their food comes from. The project is supported by the Ministry of Economics of the Netherlands.

Beyond Eggs


Josh Tetrick, founder of start up Hampton Creek food, worked together with specialists such as food scientists, chefs and molecular biologists to figure out how to create a product that is made out of plants but works like an egg. The team had to dissect an egg down to its microbiology and nutritional components. They developed a plant-based egg, called ‘Beyond Eggs’. The Beyond Eggs can replace an egg in food like baked goods, dressing ore sauces. Beyond Eggs are healthier, cholesterol-free, allergy-free and the food safety is better.

Belgian Beer Day


On April 6 the Belgian Beer Day will be organized. The Captain Beerheart Foundation organize this event to connect all Belgian beer fans from all over the world and toast to Belgian Beer. More than 8.000 people from 103 countries already support the Belgian Beer Day.

Appertizers served on a bicycle handlebar


  • fietsstuur dienblad

Restaurant De Compagnon in Amsterdam serves appetizers on a bicycle handlebar with a tray. Nowadays many restaurants are working with local products, but in Amsterdam there are few local products available. Therefore restaurant De Compagnon approached this trend in a different way. The nature of Amsterdam has been characterized by bicycles. Serving appetizers on a bicycle handlebar is a wink to the trend ‘local’.

Spreads of exotic goose


The company ‘Ganslekker’ produces a spread made of goose meat. The number of geese in the Netherlands is increasing and often causes (environmental) problems. For these reasons, the geese are shot. ‘Ganslekker’ uses the meat of these shot geese to make spread. The spread is available as ham or foie gras pate and is organic and sustainable.

Doughnut with a twist


The doughnut is very popular in the United States and there are more new varieties on the market. Lucky’s Doughnuts creates authentic, handmade doughnuts in many variants. Likewise the crème brûlée doughnut, a doughnut filled with vanilla pastry cream topped with crisp, burnt sugar caramel shell. They also have other special doughnuts like a tiramisu or blood orange doughnut.

A mysterious smoking effect with Mistystix


  • Mistystix

Many people know dry ice from the theatrical world as haze ore smoke used at TV shows and musicals, but dry ice is also increasingly used in the hospitality industry. ICS Dry Ice developed the Mistystix, that gives a drink that mysterious smoke effect. The Mistystix is designed to be used in drinks and is filled with dry ice. Once the Mistystix touches the drink, it creates a smoking effect. The most beautiful effect is created when the drink is not too cold. With the Mistystix the taste of the drink is optimum, it keeps the drink cold and it remains smoking about 3 to 5 minutes. Use dry ice for the presentation of a dish or dry ice can also be used in the finest form to make a sorbet from fresh juices. Filling a wine cooler with water and dry ice gives a festive effect.

KLM Must See Map, made by friends


KLM Royal Dutch Airline recently launched a global social media campaign, named the KLM Must See Map. Consumers can create a map of their destination and approach friends via Twitter, Facebook and email to get some tips about attractions and interesting activities. When the map is completed, KLM prints the map and sends the city card to the consumer for free. The campaign is made by Code d’Azur and is active in 24 countries.

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