Cup of coffee with your own picture


Earlier we saw baristas that turn a simple cup of coffee into a wonderful creation, like Mike Breach. At Lets Caffe in Taiwan they make a very special and creative latte art of photos. The café serves coffee with a print of your own photo. Guests can give a picture of themselves or their label and it will be placed in the coffee machine. The coffee machine makes a perfect copy of the picture of cacao powder on the cup of coffee.

Pop-up single restaurant


  • eenmaal

Pop-up restaurant ‘Eenmaal’ opens on Friday June 28th and Saturday June 29th. The pop-up restaurant is the first single restaurant in the world. Where you normally go out for dinner together, at restaurant ‘Eenmaal’ you will sit alone at a table. The restaurant serves a four course dinner and only has tables for one person. The purpose of the pop-up restaurant is to make a public place more attractive for single people and change the image of being alone in public. The pop-up restaurant is a social design project of Marina van Goor along with branding agency Vandejong.

Maastricht hangs the laundry outside


This morning Maastricht welcomed the summer in a special way. In serveral streets freshly washed laundry was hanged out to promote the quest for the ‘cleanest’ photo of the city. The promotion is an initiative by VVV Maastricht and Townhouse Designhotel Maastricht.

Sustainable geWoonboot


  • woonboot

This inspiring floating meeting room in Amsterdam is called the ‘geWoonboot’ and created by Joan Kramer and Jan Huisman. The object has 120m2 floor space and is divided in two rooms with a view on the IJ or NDSM-wharf. The boot is self sustainable in energy use and has sun collectors, waste water filtering, warmth pump and sun heated water system. It has a biological and/or local catering as well.

Starbucks tea house


  • starbucks

Earlier this year Starbucks opened a new concept near the Megura Station in Tokyo. The new store is inspired by the surrounding neighbourhood, traditional Japanese architecture and gardens. The Starbucks doesn’t look like a coffee shop but more like traditional Japanese tea house. The interior design includes elements of wooden walls and Shoji sliding doors and the store sells Japanese ceramic mugs, exclusive to Starbucks Japan. Earlier we’ve spotted a Starbucks in Amsterdam with a interior design made of old bicycle tires and the Starbucks in Japan where you are surrounded by trees.

The wearable movie


Again a brilliant advertising of Coca-Cola to share ‘happiness’. In the animated movie ‘The wearable movie’ Coca-Cola wants to deliver fans all of the world a smile. The concept was developed by Ogilvy and created by Psyop. Each frame of the movie was put on a t-shirt and sent to fans. The fans were asked to take a picture of themselves with the t-shirt. These pictures were combined to recreate the animated movie of all Coca-Cola’s fans.

Student dinner blog


At the website former student Leonie writes about her simple and decent dinners. She mostly creates her own dishes, but sometimes she is inspired by cookbooks. Her blog is viewed 1,400 times a day and her Facebookpage has received nearly 25,000 likes in two years. A student restaurant in Amsterdam can respond to this blog by inviting Leonie for a dinner and let her write a blog about it. This way restaurants generate a lot of free publicity.

The Offline beer glass


Does it often happens that you are drinking something in a pub and your friends only pay attention to their phone? A bar in Brazil has found a solution for that problem: ‘The Offline Glass’. This beer glass can only stand up straight when balanced on a mobile phone. You so have to put your phone down to keep your beer glass standing.

Hot Tub Cinema


  • hot tun

Last year we posted a video about the Hot Tub Cinema on our website. Meanwhile we got these beautiful pictures that we don’t want to hold back from you. The Hot Tub Cinema is a combination of hot tubs and great films on special locations. Hire a hot tub with your friends or buy a single ticket and share the hot tub with strangers.

Innovative billboards


IBM has designed special innovative billboards to promote its ‘Smart Cities Program’ in partnership with Ogilvy & Mather France. These billboards do not only have an informative function but function as useful surfaces as well. The billboards can be used as a bench, a shelter from the rain or a ramp over stairs. The aim of the project is to encourage smarter thinking when it comes to the development of ‘solutions’ for the city.

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