Pop-up beach hotel


During the summer months you can find the pop-up hotel Tender 2 at the beach of Knokke (Belgium). The pop-up hotel has two floors and is equipped with all the luxury and comfort. The hotel rooms are modern furnished and guests have the option of a personal butler, Michelin-starred food, a spa and a private beach. Tender 2 consists of plate glass and allows guests to enjoy the view of the sea in privacy. The pop-up hotel is located on the beach for the second year and will be open until 15 September.

Original Sayah liquor


The Dutch Sayah drinks won silver with their spekkoek liquor during the International Wine and Spirit Competition 2013. Sayah is a real Indonesia liquor with the unique taste of spekkoek (a Dutch-Indonesian layered cake). Two Dutchmen’s with an Indonesian origin developed a liquor based on their origin, lifestyle and taste. Sayah has the taste of liquid cake, burnt sugar and spicy hints of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise, vanilla and nutmeg. The transparent liquor can be enjoyed pure with ice or mixed. Nice to drink with a rice table.

Les Halles NYC


At this moment The French Bistro is very popular in New York. Leonie van Spronsen did visit one. She loves the French bistros in Paris so a small critical eye is unavoidable. But if you love the French bistro style and if you go to NY we recommend to try the French bistros with their American twists… Les Halles NYC – Park Avenue location.

You can see it from afar, the facade, the lanterns, even the tiny little terrace out front, there it is, Anthony Bourdain’s version of Paris! And yes, the food is delicious, prepared tableside, priced as it should in a French bistro and it is a lovely night out, don’t get me wrong I loved it, but I have to say, the feeling that I actually left Manhattan and stepped into Paris? Not really!

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Alcohol free beverages and food pairing


Alcohol free beverages and food pairing: Restaurant ‘In de keuken van Floris’ in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, provides a great example. They treat their guests, because of their their 7 year anniversary, on a free wine pairing during their nine-course dinner. For those who do not drink alcohol, they serve a freshly squeezed juices arrangement. They will treat their guests from Wednesday to Friday until August the 2nd 2013.

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Restaurant ‘t Schulten Hues (1 Michelin star) in Zutphen (The Netherlands) and Crystal Park New Media (also from Zutphen) presented the first Dutch interactive cook book for the iPad. With Portfolio-i you will meet the dynamic world around ‘t Schulten Hues in pictures and sound. De App is made under supervision of Chef Peter Gast, producer Gerbrand Pot (owner of Crystal Park New Media) and Paul Scholte (culinary redaction). On the app you will find interactive presentations of new dishes and recipes by Peter Gast; special wine-food combinations by host Jacqueline van liere; favorite recipes from 10 years ‘t Schulten Hues. With videos of local suppliers. Pictures by Peter Casell en Boy van Dulmen. Great to watch on your iPad during your holiday.

Foodtruck festival Haarlem


  • park

The first edition of ‘Proefpark Haarlem’ will take place on 23, 24 and 25 August in Haarlem, the Netherlands. This festival is focused on food trucks, moving restaurants, chef cooks as artists, local produce and children festivities. Several moving restaurants will offer tastings and visitors are inspired to cook and eat more conscious and adventurous. The program includes cooking battles, cooking demonstrations of famous chef cooks from Haarlem and mini cooking workshops for children.

Douwe Egberts rewards yawns


Douwe Egberts surprised travelers at the South African OR Tambo International Airport with a cup of coffee in a special way. The coffee machine has a special facial recognition program which treated yawning people with a cup of coffee. Douwe Egberts rewarded more than 210 yawns with a cup of coffee. I would like to see this coffee machine at the train stations in the Netherlands, for sure that I will get a cup of coffee when I am on my way to work! ^Laura

Tropicana city greenhouse


  • Tropicana

The former swimming pool Tropicana will be converted into a city greenhouse where sustainability, creativity, entrepreneurship, food and coffee are the key. Where the old Wild Water Course was located, now rises a traditional coffee roaster and a coffee shop. The outdoor pool will be transformed into the summer terrace of restaurant ‘Picknick Rotterdam’. And at the mobile pizzeria Old Scuola you can order fresh pizzas made with mushrooms grown at the cellars of the former swimming pool. The new city greenhouse will be ready at the end of July 2013.

Creative variants of Gin & Tonic


  • Gin & Tonic

Bombay Sapphire asked five creatives and five enthusiasts of the hospitality industry to give their own interpretation of the classic Gin & Tonic. The result is ten interesting, creative and surprising cocktails. Like the cocoa hardcore of chocolatier Dominique Persoone or Hinky Pinky Robby by coffee roaster Eveline Hoorens. See all the creative approaches of the classic Gin & Tonic to get some inspiration here.

Urban Campsite


Art and camping come together at the Urban Campsite. You can get acquainted with the Urban Campsite at camping Vliegenbos in Amsterdam from August 16 to September 30. Urban Campsite offers its guests the opportunity to stay in artistic, unusual and crazy mobile objects. They also offers all the other amenities like a normal camping. These six weeks are a pilot. It is thought that the concept settles in a number of years on a vacant ground in or around Amsterdam. For artists this is the ideal opportunity to exhibit their new objects and campers get the chance to camp near by a city in a special location.

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