Collaboration Hotel Mitland and Nimeto


Hotel Mitland and Nimeto, a creative commercial intermediate vocational college, have a long collaboration history in Utrecht. Every year the Nimeto students decorate the hotel, restaurant and the bowling alley in Christmas atmospheres. Mister Wim Plijnaar is closely involved in the decoration, he is one of the four brothers that run the hotel. The example was suggested after a Tweet we sent about collaboration possibilities for hotels and garden centers for Christmas decoration.

New Martini Bar in Antwerp


  • martinibar

Because of its 150 year celebration vermouth brand Martini opened a bar in fashion city Antwerp. The designers of Puresang created a room that is plastered in Mediterranean style, has a gold plated ceiling and organic structures that seem to blend in into each other. The design of the drinks menu is magazin-ish and will change regularly as a magazine is supposed to. See the pictures.

Winter cocktails


  • wintercocktail

Want to serve a delicious cocktail during Christmas dinner or after? Baileys Chocolat Luxe asked three bartenders to create a winter cocktail with their beverage, they came up with the following. The “Rococo” was created by Bompas & Parr from England and is served in a highball with ice cream and raspberry. Liquor expert Missy Flynn from London came up with the “Chocolat Black Forest” and “Chocolat Mint” (with mint infused ice cubes). You can find all recipes here. Or turn a mojito into a Christmas mojito by adding a pinch of cranberry juice and cranberry’s. For the non-alcoholic cocktail lovers, Happy Drinks have some recipes on their site. Download our booklet ‘Christmas gestures‘ with more easily usable Christmas gestures.

Amount of restaurants increases despite recession


This article is only available in Dutch.

Tosti Madness


  • gourmet tosti

‘Tosti Madness’ makes gourmet sandwiches. With the ‘Tosti Madness’ caravan and grill they visit festivals to serve the visitors fresh sandwiches made from organic and/or local products. They will also create a ‘Tosti Madness special’ with seasonal/region-specific products on request. They are always looking for new ways to prepare the sandwiches, such with a grill or on fire. ‘Tosti Madness’ also provides sandwiches to the hospitality business (mainly pubs) and provides catering. Last year they won the award for the best food truck concept during ‘Proefpark Haarlem’.

Turn off your smartphone and get discount


  • verboden telefoon

You go out for dinner with some friends but before you even know it everyone is playing with a smartphone, recognizable? Restaurant Abu Ghosh in Jerusalem started a campaign to reduce the use of smartphones during dinner. The owner Jawdat Ibrahim noticed that his guests were talking less with each other and were constantly distracted by their smartphone. Therefore guests are asked to turn off their phone during dinner. When they put off their smartphone they will receive 50% discount on their bill. Earlier we saw the ‘My phone is off for you’ campaign.

Rainbow popcorn


Cookie producer John Altman wants to crowdfund a total of € 9.000,- for an electric popcorn carrier tricycle. The tricycle is equipped with a mobile popcorn factory and will appear in Amsterdam parks and at events. The staff of the tricycle will consist out of ex-homeless people that reintegrate in the society with the help of the Rainbow Group. The crowdfund project has reached 78% of its goal and will close within 7 days.

Vegan wine


  • vegan wijn

During clarification of wine animal or plant protein can be used. Wine importer Yanflorijn focuses on importing wines that are free from the use of any animal products and serves vegetarian wine lovers with this proposition. In the near future Yannick Slagter and Floor Overgoor, founders of Yanflorijn want to grow their own vineyard in Holland.

Empire Biscuit


  • biscuit

Recently, a new joint opened up in New York City’s East Village that focuses solely on serving biscuits around the clock. You Americans reading this will probably think yummy, what a great idea! But for most of us Europeans it’s like, what is that? A cookie? No, biscuits are basically hearty scones that are traditionally served with fried chicken in the US. The founders of Empire Biscuit felt like this traditional side dish deserved some more limelight and opened up a 24 hours biscuit shop last month! At Empire Biscuit you can buy biscuits with many different fillings, depending on the time of day of course. This seems to spark a new battle in the cities’ culinary networks, because who makes the best biscuits? ^Leonie van Spronsen

Street Food petition


  • street food petitie

In cities like New York and Bangkok diverse streetfood is commonly. The Netherlands lack a diverse streetfood offer. There is a law introduced in the ’30s that demands permets for streetfood. The permits are mainly provided to hotdog stands, deepfried dough during winter months and ice cream stands. At the moment the waiting list for permits is as long as thirty years for popular places like the Vondelpark. With the Streetfood petition initiator Steff Veldkamp from Vleesch noch Visch wants to put this issue on the political agenda and underline the fact that nowadays’ foodtrucks can be equipped like regular professional restaurant kitchens.

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