Offline dinner


  • offline

This article is only available in Dutch. 

Your own 3D pasta


Italian pasta maker Barilla wants guests to design their own 3D pasta in a restaurant within a number of years. Barilla started a collaboration with TNO Eindhoven, that develops a 3D food printer. Barilla wants to equip restaurants with a 3D pasta printer, so guests can bring their own design on a USB stick and get their own designed pasta served on plate. The Italian pasta maker is interested in the delivery of the pasta dough that the 3D pasta is build layer by layer. However, the study of the 3D food printer is still early.

A wrapped metro


  • Sisaprod

Creative agency Sisaprod has surprised passengers of metro line 8 in Paris. With fuschia wrapping paper and tape, they have covered every surface on the inside of the metro. The metro was one big gift inside. With this action, the agency has gained a lot of publicity on Social Media.

Collaboration Carlton Oasis and Intratuin


  • calton oasis intratuin

The Carlton Oasis in Spijkenisse (The Netherlands) works together with Intratuin in Rhoon and Rhoon Groenprojecten BV to decorate the hotel in Winter atmospheres. The hotel buys its Christmas and buffet decorations from the local garden center, that decorates the lobby as a return of favor.

Chocolate paintbox


  • verfdoos

This paint box will surprise everyone that receives it. The paint tubes are replaced by chocolates with different fillings. The labels show the flavors. Designed by Nendo and and shot by Ayao Yamazaki.

Chopstick straw


  • chopstick

Chopsticks are made in various sizes and designs. Not everybody can use these utensils properly, and you’ll have to drink from the bowl if you’re eating for instance a noodle soup. This will be history with the chopstick–meets-straw design by Julian Lechner.

Happy holidays


  • feestdagen

We wish you all the best for the holidays.

Best wishes from Laura Stoter, Marjolein van Spronsen and Armand Sol of the Van Spronsen & Partners Group.

The runners cookbook


  • hardlopersboek

The runners cookbook describes the effect of different ingredients on your body. The intake of milk 30-45 minutes before going to bed will for example increases the production of serotonin because of the tryptophan and calcium it contains. Serotonin brings you in a relaxed and sleepy mood. If you have muscle cramps, a hand full of nuts can be relieving because it is problably caused by a magnesium shortage. Nuts contain a lot magnesium. Next to useful tips the book contains various dishes that sportsmen can use before or after a training or race. It’s only available in Dutch and written by Miriam van Reijen and Barbara Kerkhof.

Written in the stars


A revolution in Christmas-cards. Write it in the stars with an iOS device via

The Hobbit pop up book


At the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles the largest pop-up book in the world introduced the premiere of ‘The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug’. For five days the book promoted New Zealand as holiday destination. See the book here.

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