Pop up store with 22 creative entrepreneurs


In the Jan Evertsenstraat in Amsterdam citizens joined forces to make the shopping street more vivid with pop-up stores. The latest achievement is the ‘Geef om de Jan Eef’ pop-up store where 22 entrepreneurs and artists host a 400m2 shop together. Doing this, they can be part-time entrepreneur and can run the shop in shifts. The product range includes goat-wool t-shirts, art, vegan wines, fashion, bikes (of course, it’s Amsterdam) and there is also a coffee corner by ‘Cup of Jo’. The combination of the various concepts enhances the reach of the shop and makes it a vivid meeting place for creatives from the area. The pop-up shops make the neighbourhood more interesting for other entrepreneurs. The street becomes a place where startups can develop in a steady pace and perhaps open a permanent shop in the future.

Coffee servings with tiramisu and mint flavor


The Coffee and Tea bar research by Van Spronsen & Partners mentioned the change in coffee consumption by the youth. Next to that, consumers expect more luxurious coffee and different flavors when they order. Nestlé Professional and MONIN joined forces to actively advise barista’s in seasonal coffee flavors. For the coming months the Espresso Tiramisu Con Panna (with MONIN tiramisu syrup and whipped cream) and chilled Café Freddo Chocolate Mint (with MONIN chocolate mint) are advised.

Reallifeinstagram in Utrecht


  • reallifeinstragram

There are seven real life Instagram signs placed around the new building of music stage ‘TivoliVredenburg’ in Utrecht, to give it more attention. Passers-by can make photos through one of the colored filters and share it via Social Media with the hastag #TivoliVredenburg and #reallifeinstagram. #reallifeinstagram was created by the Brazilian artist Bruno Ribeiro. He placed thirty cardboard Instagram signs with color filters nearby London’s attractions. He wanted to imitate the filters used by Instagram.

Eat to Meet


  • eat to meet

‘Eat to Meet’ is an online platform for offline dinners at a restaurant of your choice. Participants can fill in their interests and preferences and can choose in which restaurant they want to dine. This provides social contact and a pleasant evening. Participation is free of charge, but the costs for dinner must be paid. Eat to Meet organizes the dinners, but the goal is that the participants are going to organize their own dinners. The platform collaborates with a number of restaurants in the Netherlands, dinners mainly take place on less busy days.

Donate money to the food bank via an app


The Mogl app helps raising money for the food bank. Users can register their credit card and when they dine at a participating restaurant, they will receive 10% discount. The user can choose how much of the cashback they donate to the local food bank. The app also shows how many meals there are donated per city and how many meals are still needed. Currently Mogl is only available in a number of American cities, but the goal is to expand.

Dutch Cuisine


  • Dutch Cuisine

On Monday, January 13th the ‘Dutch Cuisine’ was officially presented. This movement represents the Dutch cooking with a kitchen of 80% vegetables and 20% animal. The ‘Dutch Cuisine’ is a kitchen that continuously renews, the platform provides the ‘Dutch Cuisine’ with a stage and face. The movement makes the chefs and consumers aware of the edible world around us where unexpected combinations originate from regional ingredients. ‘Dutch Cuisine’ stands for creativity, free thinking, obstinacy, pragmatism and simplicity: less is more. Chef cooks like Niven Kunz, Hans Everse, Luc Kusters and Albert Kooy are already connected with the movement.

Ad that can only be seen by night


  • mcdonalds

This ad from McDonald’s in a bus shelter in Sydney is only fully displayed when it is dark. During the day it seems like it lacks the half of the famous ‘M’ , but as soon as it gets dark the entire ‘M’ appears in the reflection of the glass. This ad is part of the new campaign by McDonald’s to announce that the fast food chain is open all night.

Buy a cow


The need for sustainable produced meat increases. At the website koopeenkoe.nl consumers can buy a ‘horizontal’ part of a cow together with other consumers, also called ‘crowd butching’. The cows of koopeenkoe.nl have three times more space than an average cow and don’t eat manipulated food or antibiotics. If the entire cow is sold, the cow is slaughtered and the meat matured. Buyers receive a 7,5 kilo meat packet for two persons, from steak to sausage. The more people buy a cow, the faster you receive the meat package at home. Because the meat of koopeenkoe.nl goes directly from farmer to consumer, the meat is affordable.

Pay per minute at Ziferblat


  • ziferblat

At the ‘Ziferblat’ café everything is free, except the time you spend there. In the café consumers can use the wi-fi, bring their own food and drinks, drink unlimited coffee and the ingredients to make a lunch are presented. Guests pay € 0,04 per minute, but many consumers give an extra tip on top of the bill. There are 10 Ziferblat cafés, mainly in Russia. Recently the first pay-as-you-feel café opened in London.

L Orangerie in Antwerp


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Pravda Pressroom opened a pop-up coffee and cocktailbar ‘L’Orangerie’ in the old ‘orangerie’ near the Harmoniegebouw in Antwerp to extend their communication activities. The bar will be open until the buildings are renovated. This will be at the end of 2015 or later. The building got a modern facelift to recover from the esthetic demolition in the eighties and is decorated with chic and shabby elements. The safety net prevents ancient plaster from falling on visitors and the small covered terrace is waiting for Spring to come in. L’Orangerie presents itself a a low energy bar, background music and dimmed lights invite for a proper glass and nice conversation. For this glass mostly cocktails are suggested.

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